Google Maps Scraper

Automate your Google Maps data collection. Export to CSV, Excel, or JSON in just a few minutes!

Google Maps places - restaurants Scraped Google Maps data

خطط التسعير

No monthly fees. ادفع كما تذهب only for the records you extracted.

الطبقة المجانية

Usage before 500 businesses
  • Free for the first 500 businesses (places)
  • CSV/Excel/Parquet/JSON
  • Enrichments

Medium Tier

Usage after 500 businesses
$3/1,000 records
  • Price per 1k records for the usage from 501 to 100k businesses (places)
  • CSV/Excel/Parquet/JSON
  • Advanced filters
  • Enrichments
  • API access

Business Tier

Usage after 100,000 businesses
$1/1,000 records
  • Price per 1k records for the usage after 100k businesses (places)
  • CSV/Excel/Parquet/JSON
  • Advanced filters
  • Enrichments
  • API access
  • Unlimited

Why Use Outscraper for Google Maps Scraping?

Full Coverage

Maintaining a comprehensive list of Points of Interest (POIs) is crucial for industries such as location intelligence, GIS, and mapping.

Emails & Contacts

Expand beyond single-source data by enriching it with comprehensive details such as emails, phone numbers, social media links, contact information, company insights, and more, for more robust and informative campaigns.

Real Time Data

With our cutting-edge technology, the data you receive isn't just up-to-date, it's live. This means the moment a change occurs, you know about it, allowing for immediate action and decision-making.

Limitless Speed

Tap into our high-performance, globally distributed servers for fast and reliable data access. Outscraper's core technology is designed to efficiently manage millions of tasks simultaneously.

Lead Generation

Elevate your lead generation strategies using the data. Our insights help you identify and target potential leads more effectively, turning data into opportunities.

Cloud Scraping Advantages

Safeguard your IP by utilizing Outscraper's cloud servers for data scraping. Our dedicated team continuously updates the software, ensuring seamless scraping even with changes on target sites.

Tasks Extracted

Data Dictionary

Columns names and descriptions for Google Maps.

  • اسم – name of the place on Google Maps.
  • موقع – website of the place.
  • نوع – the type of the place under which it was found (can be any element from subtypes).
  • الأنواع الفرعية – all types of the place.
  • category – the main type of the place (sometimes might be in a local language).
  • هاتف – place phone number.
  • العنوان الكامل – full address of the place location.
  • البلدة – borough of the place location.
  • شارع – street of the place location.
  • مدينة – city of the place location.
  • رمز بريدي – postal code of the place location.
  • حالة – state of the place location.
  • us_state – state of the place location (will be removed in future versions).
  • بلد – country of the place location.
  • الرقم الدولي – country code of the place location.
  • خط العرض – latitude of the place location.
  • خط الطول – longitude of the place location.
  • وحدة زمنية – timezone of the place location.
  • plus_code – location plus code or open location code (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, learn more).
  • area_service – shows if the place is service without a physical location.
  • تقييم – rating of the place.
  • المراجعات – number of reviews
  • تعليقات_رابط – link to the place’s reviews.
  • الاستعراضات_في_الدرجة – JSON object with reviews per score.
  • reviews_tags – most common review tags (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, learn more).
  • عدد الصور – number of photos from the place.
  • صورة فوتوغرافية – image link of the place.
  • street_view – image link of the place street view (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, learn more).
  • located_in – name of the parent place where it’s located (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, learn more).
  • ساعات العمل – JSON object with working hours of the place.
  • work_hours_old_format – working hours of the place.
  • popular_times – popular time of the place including live status (e.g. little busy, works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, learn more).
  • حالة_العمل – current status of the business.
  • حول – extra information about the place (e.g. Identifies as women-owned, LGBTQ+ friendly).
  • description – place description (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, learn more).
  • نطاق – price range of the place.
  • دعامات – JSON object with posts from the place (works only for some places, learn more).
  • تم التحقق – indicates if the place was claimed.
  • بطاقة هوية المالك – unique identifier of the place owner.
  • owner_title – title of the owner’s profile page.
  • owner_link – link to owner profile on Google Maps.
  • reservation_links – link to make reservation.
  • الحجز_تعيين_رابط – link to book appointment.
  • menu_link – link to menu (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, learn more).
  • order_links – link to place an order.
  • رابط_الموقع – link to the place on Google Maps.
  • معرّف_المكان – unique identifier of the place (Google might update it a couple of times per a year).
  • google_id – unique identifier of the place, also known as Feature ID (Google might update it a couple of times per a year).
  • cid – multi platform ID of a listing in Google ecosystem.
  • reviews_id – unique identifier of the places’ reviews.
  • located_google_id – google_id of the parent place where it’s located (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, learn more).

Additional data that might be added by applying Emails & Contacts Scraper enrichment (select it with UI or use the “domains_service” parameter with API). You can learn more about enrichments in this article.

  • domain – website domain.
  • email_1 – the first email found associated with the place.
  • email_2 – the second email found associated with the place.
  • email_3 – the third email found associated with the place.
  • Facebook – link to the Facebook page.
  • Instagram – link to the Instagram page.
  • Twitter – link to the Twitter page.
  • Linkedin – link to the Linkedin page.
  • Youtube – link to the Youtube page.
  • phone_1 – first phone found from the website.
  • phone_2 – second phone found from the website.
  • phone_3 – third phone found from the website.
  • website_title – title of the website (meta tag).
  • website_generator – the platform the website is built on (WordPress, etc.).
  • website_description – description of the website (meta tag).
  • website_keywords – keywords from the website (meta tag).
  • website_has_fb_pixel – shows if FB pixel was found.
  • website_has_google_tag – shows if Google Tagmanager code was found.
Is It Legal to Scrape Data?
جمع واستخراج البيانات العامة محمي بموجب التعديل الأول لدستور الولايات المتحدة.

In fact, big search engines companies are getting a big part of their data by scraping thousands of public websites.

مستندات API

Use the data from your app. Check out the API Docs to see code examples.

Video Tutorial

Guides on How to Scrape Maps

Google Maps Traffic Scraper

Google Maps Traffic Extractor: A Comprehensive Guide and Tutorials

Outscraper's Google Maps Traffic Extractor automates traffic data collection, offering real-time insights for urban...

Data Scraping

What is Data Scraping? Discover the Benefits, Use Cases, and Best Tools

Data Scraping allows companies to gather massive amounts of data in minutes. With tools...

Google Maps Reviews

Google Maps Reviews Scraper: A Comprehensive Guide and Tutorials

Google Maps Reviews scraping, harvesting, or extracting is a process of getting business reviews...

Google Maps Scraping

Getting Started With Google Maps Scraping (Updated)

This is your Getting Started Manual on How to Use Outscraper's Google Maps Scraping...

Try Outscraper for free with a monthly renewable Free Tier.

تكامل مكشطة-زابير
Connect Outscraper to Zapier and automate workflows.
Enrich your CRM data with HubSpot integration possibilities.

What Clients Say?

ميهاي فيناتورو
ميهاي فيناتوروشريك اداري
يوفر Outscraper بيانات سريعة وموثوقة حول مواقع خرائط Google ، في واجهة بسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام. يحتوي النظام الأساسي على ميزات متقدمة ، ولكنه سهل الاستخدام بدرجة كافية. في الاثني عشر شهرًا الماضية ، استخدمنا Outscraper لاستخراج البيانات العامة ذات الصلة فيما يتعلق بأكثر من 120 ألف موقع.
Juan G
Juan GPartner at Growth97
As a Digital Marketing Consultancy, Outscraper has truly been a gamechanger for both our business and our clients. It has allowed us to reach new potential clients and deliver breath-taking ROI campaigns for our clients. Anyone considering using Outscraper I would strongly recommend using it
ترافيس هويل
ترافيس هويلالباحث
كان Outscraper أسهل في الاستخدام من البدائل الأخرى ، وقد زودني ببعض المعلومات الرائعة. كانت خدمة العملاء الخاصة بهم مفيدة أيضًا عندما كنت في حاجة إليها.
Alex Crivion
Alex CrivionEnvapreneur
Outscraper is the best API service I’ve ever had to discover by pure luck (in an article from - was seeking something like this since 2019 and this platform is the only one actually working and doing the job.
سيلفياS1-BRANDING Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
شكرا جزيلا لردك ومساعدتك يا دانا! إذا كنت لا تمانع فيرجى تقديم شكري لفريق المطورين. أتمنى لكم جميعا أن تزدهر!
بيوشالمدير التنفيذي
شكرًا جزيلاً لك على توفير منصة رائعة "Outscraper" للعثور على كمية هائلة من البيانات في بضع دقائق ، أيضًا ، شكرًا لزيادة مبيعاتي 😊
Nate Lile
Nate LileEntrepreneur
I've been testing and using Outscraper for a few weeks now. I'm incredibly happy with their current offerings and I'm looking forward to them adding more public sources. Its stupid easy to use and so affordable. Thanks guys!
Russell Hesse
Russell HesseCMO
What an awesome tool for getting marketing lead prospects. It's much faster than the estimates they give when doing a scrape. (It's always good to under-promise & over-deliver to your customers)...
Ashish Kumar
Ashish KumarData analyst and front-end designer
This service has been extremely helpful for me. Apart from their super fast API for various services, their amazing support is something that would make you go back to them. Dana from Outscraper team had helped me tirelessly for 3 days when I got into an issue and the dev team even made a spot update in their SDK package to suit my requirements. Highly recommended!
Dion Kenney
Dion KenneyCOO of Mondofora
I wish I had found it sooner. I've been manually collecting data from Google Maps for the past 15 months! The first search produced more usable data in 20 minutes than my 15 months did altogether.
 Ian Mason
Ian MasonCTO
Outscraper is the best scraper I've found. I cannot believe how well it works, how much data I get back, with no errors or headaches. I can make any directory site I want now

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الأسئلة والأجوبة الأكثر شيوعًا

يعد استخراج خرائط Google أو حصادها أو استخراجها عملية الحصول على جميع المعلومات حول الأماكن (الاسم والعنوان والإحداثيات والموقع والهاتف وساعات العمل وما إلى ذلك) من موقع خرائط Google. يقوم بأتمتة التصدير اليدوي للبيانات.

جمع واستخراج البيانات العامة محمي بموجب التعديل الأول لدستور الولايات المتحدة.

  1. Login to Google Maps scraper.
  2. حدد الفئات التي تريد استخراجها.
  3. حدد المواقع من القائمة المنسدلة.
  4. حدد اللغة وتحقق من المعلمات المتقدمة الأخرى.
  5. انقر فوق "كشط البيانات".

يمكن استخدام البيانات من خرائط Google في العديد من المجالات. الحالة الأكثر شيوعًا هي البحث عن عملاء جدد لعملك أو استخدام بيانات الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي. يمكن أن تكون بيانات أماكن Google أيضًا مصدرًا لبناء تطبيقك.

Yes. You can use Emails & Contacts Scraper along with Google Maps scraper to enrich the data from Google. In order to do so, select “Emails & Contacts Scraper” in the “Enrich by other services” section on the Google Maps Scraper page.

Yes. You can use filters from the advanced parameters with the following operator.
We’re extracting only publicly available data, and the scraper works as a browser for data scientist, developers, and marketers. The mechanism to guarantee PII-free data is to select what columns you want to return.

No. All scraping activities occur on Outscraper servers, ensuring that your IP address is not utilized for data scraping. You can close your computer an the scraping task will still be running.

business details, contact information, reviews, and location data from Google Maps. Designed for efficiency, this automated Google Maps scraping tool ensures quick and accurate data extraction, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking to enhance their local data mining and business intelligence efforts.

Utilize Google Maps API scraper to gather comprehensive business listings, POIs, and other crucial data. Whether you need to scrape bulk data or perform targeted extractions, this software delivers precise results every time. Perfect for digital marketers, data analysts, and researchers, our Google Maps Scraper simplifies the process of data collection, providing you with actionable insights to drive your strategies.

With features like bulk data extraction, automated scraping, and an intuitive online interface, Google Maps data scraping service stands out as a reliable solution for your data needs. Start using Google Maps Data Scraper today and transform the way you collect and analyze local business information. Enhance your data-driven decisions and gain a competitive edge with the powerful scraping tool. Try it now and experience the ease of extracting data from Google Maps seamlessly with Outscraper.