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Google Maps has one of the largest databases of business information in the world. This large database makes Google Maps a good resource for creating lead lists. Outscraper’s popular scraping service Pengikis Data Google Maps lets you scrape all the data from Google Maps easily and also allows you to create detailed B2B lead lists by combining Google Maps Scraper with our Pengikis Email & Kontak layanan. Anda bisa membaca cara melakukannya secara mendetail dalam artikel: Bagaimana Cara Menghasilkan Prospek B2B?

Pemasaran email, pemasaran SMS, pemasaran surat langsung dan kampanye panggilan dingin dapat dibuat dengan rincian prospek. Metode-metode ini akan dibahas secara umum di bawah ini. Disarankan agar Anda memilih alat kampanye pemasaran yang sesuai dengan calon pelanggan, penawaran dan produk Anda.

Pemberitahuan Hukum:

All the tips and strategies that will be mentioned here are only suggestions. Please discuss with your legal advisor which campaigns you can run according to the legal conditions of the country and region you are in.

Kampanye Penjangkauan Dingin

Penjangkauan dingin adalah teknik pemasaran di mana perusahaan menghubungi klien potensial yang tidak memiliki kontak dengan mereka, untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan. Promosi dan pemasaran ini bisa terjadi dalam banyak cara, dari email hingga panggilan telepon.

Kampanye pemasaran dapat bervariasi tergantung pada target pelanggan, pasar, produk, penawaran, dan data prospek. Terkadang pemasaran email sangat nyaman, sementara terkadang telemarketing atau pemasaran surat langsung akan menjadi pilihan yang tepat.

Pemasaran Email

Penjangkauan dingin melalui email adalah metode yang sangat populer. Banyak layanan SaaS tersedia untuk penjangkauan dingin email. Email dikirim ke prospek yang diperoleh melalui Outscraper melalui SaaS ini. Tingkat pengiriman email secara langsung terkait dengan kualitas data prospek dan infrastruktur layanan dari layanan SaaS. Pertama-tama, sangat penting apakah email dalam daftar prospek Anda divalidasi.

Outscraper Verifikasi Email Massal memungkinkan Anda untuk memvalidasi semua email di daftar Anda. Penting untuk memeriksa deliverability sebelum mengirim email. Anda dapat melakukan pemeriksaan ini dengan layanan Outscraper.

Tingkat buka, tingkat baca, dan tingkat respons email tergantung pada keterampilan copywriting pemasar yang membuat kampanye dan penawaran tentunya.

Banyak SaaS yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat kampanye penjangkauan dingin. Beberapa di antaranya Quickmail.io, Mailshake, Lemlist, Gmass dan Woodpecker. Gmass memungkinkan Anda melakukannya dengan antarmuka Gmail.

Saat menggunakan layanan ini, harus diputuskan dari domain mana email akan dikirim. Mungkin tidak benar menggunakan alamat domain perusahaan yang sebenarnya ketika melakukan pemasaran email. Dalam hal yang tidak mungkin bahwa reputasi domain utama dapat dipertahankan dengan cara ini.

After deciding which domain will be used, the domain should be warmed in order to increase the deliverability rate. Email warm-up is very important when doing cold outreach. It is not possible to send dozens of e-mails with a newly opened domain. This is why the email warm-up is required. Typically, SaaSs provide their own warm up tools. Gmass.co has a alat pemanasan email gratis untuk Gmail. 

After the domain has been warmed up, a campaign must be created. The text and offer can then be prepared. Firstly, in order to increase the opening rate of the emails, a title that draws attention to the email topic should be selected. Saat menyiapkan template email, masalah yang paling penting adalah personalisasi. Email yang tidak mengandung kustomisasi apapun memiliki tingkat baca dan balasan yang sangat rendah. Untuk alasan ini, personalisasi sangat penting dalam teks yang berisi penawaran. 

Esemuanya akan siap untuk memulai kampanye setelah menyiapkan teks yang dipersonalisasi. Anda sebaiknya hanya mengirim sejumlah email per hari agar tidak membakar domain. Elayanan pengiriman surat dapat memberikan umpan balik tentang hal itu.

Email marketing is an effective method with all its details. When both the technical and writing parts are set up in the best way possible, good results will be obtained.


1) Purchase a new domain in addition to your primary domain to use for your email marketing campaign.

2) Siapkan domain ini dengan layanan pemanasan.

3) Buat kampanye menggunakan catatan domain ini pada layanan pengirim email.

4) Create an eye-catching email header.

5) Siapkan templat teks email yang dipersonalisasi.

6) Kirim ke seluruh daftar bagian demi bagian dalam batas harian.

Pemasaran SMS

SMS Marketing adalah metode lain yang aktif digunakan. Perusahaan yang memiliki nomor ponsel pelanggan mereka dapat dengan mudah berkomunikasi dengan mereka melalui SMS. Sangat mudah untuk memberitahukan produk baru, kampanye baru, dan diskon dengan kampanye pemasaran SMS.

Anda dapat mulai dengan mengurai nomor-nomor dalam daftar prospek untuk pemasaran SMS. Nomor ponsel prospek dapat dikumpulkan dengan layanan Outscraper seperti Pengikis Google Maps.

Outscraper "Pencarian Nomor Telepon” allows you to obtain information on phone numbers, including carrier types and names. Thus, lead lists can be validated before SMS marketing. After preparing the validated number lists, several popular SMS-sending services can be used. Sendinblue, Clicksend, and Allmysms are among the prominent services.

Anda dapat membuat kampanye dengan meng-upload database yang berisi semua nomor prospek ke layanan pengiriman SMS. Hal yang paling penting dalam kampanye pemasaran SMS adalah menulis teks SMS yang singkat dan efektif.

Salah satu detail penting dalam teks SMS adalah membagikan URL yang tepat kepada calon pelanggan. Pelanggan yang datang ke tautan bersama harus disambut dengan sangat baik dan informasi tentang penawaran harus disajikan tanpa gangguan.

Ketika semua persiapan awal ini selesai, SMS dapat dikirim ke seluruh daftar. Aspek luar biasa dari pemasaran SMS adalah bahwa pesan dapat dikirim ke seluruh daftar sekaligus dan cepat dibandingkan dengan pemasaran email.


1) Mengurai angka-angka dalam daftar prospek.

2) Verify the numbers.

3) Transfer all numbers to the SMS-sending service and create a campaign.

4) Write a short and effective SMS text message.

5) Send the entire list.

Pemasaran Surat Langsung

Direct mail marketing is a marketing method that continues to be used in the US and in some countries around the world. It is especially preferred in markets such as real estate.

Although it is interesting to use an old method such as direct mail marketing in the presence of digital tools such as email, direct mail is still very effective. Potential customers reached by the mail are highly sensitive to the offer.

Direct mail in B2B marketing requires information such as full address and zip code. Pengikis Google Maps Outscraper service allows you to find the mailing addresses of all companies in a target niche market.

After creating your B2B lead list with Outscraper services, you will need a direct mail service that will send printed mails to your potential customers in this niche market. It is reasonable to choose a service operating in that local area. You can get in touch these local companies with a simple Google search.

These companies can assist you in preparing brochures and texts. You can prepare a printed material that best suits your proposal with their support. If possible, make sure to personalize the offer.

If everything appears to be in order after seeing a sample printed material, approve the sending of mails to the entire list. Be sure to include details such as email and phone number in the offer text so that they can reach you. When the mail is gone, all that remains is to wait for a return from the customers.


1) Parse leads’ contact details and full addresses in the lead list.

2) Engage with a company that provides a suitable direct mailing service for the targeted local area.

3) Create a suitable text and brochure for this company’s potential customers.

4) If possible, personalize the prepared mail.

5) Send mails to the entire list.


Telemarketing or cold calling is a very old marketing method. With the widespread use of telephones, telemarketing applications have started to be made all over the world. Serious results can be obtained from telemarketing with the right product and an attractive offer to the right customer.

Cold calling is an effective method when doing B2B marketing. The most important detail before starting the process is to find the right leads. Pengikis Google Maps Outscraper service allows you to easily identify all companies that are doing business in targeted markets and collect phone numbers. You can find the phone numbers of the businesses in the data extracted by this service. It is also possible to access contact information through the Pengikis Email & Kontak layanan.

Making phone calls when selling international services and products is a serious cost. The best way to reduce this call cost is to use a VoIP service. The most popular of the VoIP services is Skype. It is the Microsoft’s VoIP service. Skype offers affordable credits, allowing you to contact numerous regions of the world for a low cost. In addition, it offers a Nomor Skype service, which allows you to have a local number when calling the target market. This will increase your potential client’s trust in you. They can also reach you by calling this number back.

Before starting the call, it is necessary to find the most reasonable time that potential customers will be available. A different time may be appropriate for restaurants and another for HVAC contractors. Paying attention to this increases accessibility.

Making some preliminary preparation and highlighting the offer details allows you to move forward without getting stuck while talking. It is important to talk without getting stuck in cold-calling campaigns. A moment of silence and misinformation results in the loss of a customer. If all the preparations are complete, the calling may begin. The system is ready. It is up to the persuasion ability of the marketing employee who calls from now on.


1) Parse leads’ contact details and phone numbers in the lead list. If possible, find the decision maker.

2) Purchase a VoIP service that is appropriate for the targeted local area. If possible, purchase a local callable fixed number with VoIP service.

3) Determine the best time to reach potential customers.

4) Make thorough preparations before beginning to speak. Create a transcript of the speech.

5) Start calling the entire list.

Create Your B2B Lead Lists and Cold Outreach Campaigns Now

You can create your own B2B Lead Lists and start to create cold outreach campaigns now. Just sign up dan mulai mengikis Google Maps.

Video Tutorial


Pertanyaan dan jawaban paling sering

A cold outreach email is a short and concise email written to attract the attention of a potential customer. Choosing an intriguing title will increase the open rate of the e-mail. If the email body text is not long and complex, cold emails will be answered more.

All strategies go through cold outreach when entering a market with no previous contacts or sales. For this reason, every marketing department must make cold outreach. When entering new markets, the right cold outreach channels and tools must be chosen correctly for creating a good first impression. Outscraper offers many tools to its users for cold outreach campaigns.

First of all, you need a well-targeted email list to create a cold email marketing campaign. Many tools can be used for this. A high-quality and laser-focused B2B lead list can be created by locating potential customers in the targeted market on Google Maps. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper lets you your own email list easily and quickly. A good service is then selected to manage the Email campaign. and campaigns begin to be created. Secondly, a good email sending service is selected to send mass cold emails. and campaigns begin to be created.

Cold outreach is a method that covers what is done to reach potential customers that you have no connection with before. Cold outreach can be done by phone, email, phone call, and also mailing.

It is not possible to find and buy ready-made email lists for every sector and niche for email marketing. For this reason, the marketer who wants to make cold email outreach should prepare his own email list. One of the best resources for creating a B2B email list is Google Maps. Outscraper offers marketers special tools to extract emails from companies registered in Google Maps.

Kategori: Tutorial


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