API Ulasan Google Maps
Perluas Google Maps API resmi dan kumpulkan ulasan dalam waktu nyata. Hanya butuh 6 menit untuk mendaftar dan memulai.
Demo tanggapan
"name": "National Museum of the American Indian",
"rating": 4.5,
"reviews": 6501,
"reviews_data": [
"google_id": "0x89b7b783fc58e717:0xde1953f24f51818",
"author_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112021154772754874803?hl=en-US",
"author_title": "Sharon Stone",
"author_id": "112021154772754874803",
"author_image": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GgesxM1R50ch-ZQfYHkfyCethdfnwVBXlJyzUTHTQ=c0x00000000-cc-rp-ba3",
"review_text": "One of those lesser-known museums. This is a must for visiting DC. The museum is not as crowded as the others But it has an atmosphere like none other. Truly amazed",
"review_img_url": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOovYxmn9figwNlbEjNwcretJJpOB1suZ5Mo0lu",
"owner_answer": null,
"owner_answer_timestamp": null,
"owner_answer_timestamp_datetime_utc": null,
"review_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m5!14m4!1m3!1m2!1s112021154772754874803!2s0x0:0xde1953f24f51818?hl=en-US",
"review_rating": 5,
"review_timestamp": 1612107518,
"review_datetime_utc": "01/31/2021 15:38:38",
"review_likes": 0
"google_id": "0x89b7b783fc58e717:0xde1953f24f51818",
"author_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/115801625784073856553?hl=en-US",
"author_title": "Sara Key",
"author_id": "115801625784073856553",
"author_image": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Ghbg_eItSfbdJ3qfz5Z6TXlXzhMdFWyE-tAHBCsZw=c0x00000000-cc-rp-ba5",
"review_text": "This museum is very historical!!! Brings down history to life regarding the Indians! Extremely interesting if you love history!!! Go with your history class/ students or with friends!!! I really recommend you all going here!! This is the one place you should visit if you haven’t.",
"review_img_url": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Ghbg_eItSfbdJ3qfz5Z6TXlXzhMdFWyE-tAHBCsZw",
"owner_answer": null,
"owner_answer_timestamp": null,
"owner_answer_timestamp_datetime_utc": null,
"review_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m5!14m4!1m3!1m2!1s115801625784073856553!2s0x0:0xde1953f24f51818?hl=en-US",
"review_rating": 4,
"review_timestamp": 1611894364,
"review_datetime_utc": "01/29/2021 04:26:04",
"review_likes": 0
Lebih dari 5 Ulasan
API yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengambil semua ulasan dari tempat manapun. Tidak terbatas pada batas resmi Google API yaitu 5 ulasan per tempat.
Waktu Nyata
Waktu respons untuk mengambil 1-10 ulasan kurang dari 3 detik. Oleh karena itu, Anda dapat mengintegrasikannya di situs web Anda dan mengambil ulasan setelah klien membukanya.
Parameter Lanjutan
Sortir, lewati, abaikan, potong, pilih bahasa, dan lebih banyak lagi opsi untuk mengambil hanya ulasan yang Anda inginkan.
Paket Harga
Bayar sesuai pemakaian dengan tagihan penggunaan meteran bulanan.
Tingkat Gratis
Penggunaan sebelum 500 ulasan- Harga per satu ulasan untuk penggunaan dari 1 hingga 500 ulasan
- Penyortiran
- Semua akses ulasan
- Filter lanjutan
Tingkat Menengah
Penggunaan setelah 500 ulasan- Price per 1k reviews for the usage from 501 to 50,00 reviews
- Penyortiran
- Semua akses ulasan
- Filter lanjutan
Tingkat Bisnis
Penggunaan setelah 50.000 ulasan- Price per 1k reviews for the usage after 50,000 reviews
- Penyortiran
- Semua akses ulasan
- Filter lanjutan
Dokumen API
Gunakan data dari aplikasi Anda. Lihat Dokumen API untuk melihat contoh kode.
Ulasan Kamus Data
Nama kolom dan deskripsi untuk Ulasan Google.
- nama - nama tempat di Google Maps.
- google_id - pengenal unik tempat tersebut.
- lokasi_link – link to the place.
- ulasan_link – link to the place reviews.
- ulasan_per_skor – JSON object with scores and the number of reviews per each score.
- peringkat – rating of the review.
- review_id – unique identifier of the review.
- author_link – link to author’s profile on Google Maps.
- author_title – title of the author’s profile page.
- author_id – unique identifier of the author.
- author_image – image link from the author’s profile page.
- author_reviews_count – number of total reviews left by the author.
- author_ratings_count – author’s ratings.
- review_text – text of the review (if exists).
- review_img_url – image link from the review (if exists).
- pemilik_jawaban – text of the owner replay (if exists).
- pemilik_jawaban_timestamp – timestamp value when owner replied (if exists).
- pemilik_jawaban_timestamp_datetime_utc – datetime value when owner replied (if exists).
- review_link – link to the review.
- review_rating – rating of the review.
- review_timestamp – timestamp value when review created.
- review_datetime_utc – datetime value when review created.
- review_likes – amount of the review’s likes.
- ulasan_id – unique identifier of the place’s reviews.
Video tutorial
Gunakan Kasus
Gunakan API kami untuk membuat aplikasi baru. Integrasikan data dalam jumlah tak terbatas ke dalam platform Anda yang sudah ada.
Ilmu Data
Bangun teknologi mutakhir dengan data yang relevan. Power data ke dalam model AI dan Machine Learning Anda.
Selidiki pasar dan temukan prospek baru untuk bisnis dengan data pasar waktu nyata.
Why Use Outscraper Google Maps Reviews API?
Comprehensive Review Data
Access detailed reviews directly from Google Maps, including reviewer ratings, comments, dates, and user profiles.
Real-Time Updates
Retrieve the most current review data available, ensuring your analysis and insights are always up-to-date.
Enhanced Business Insights
Gain valuable customer feedback and sentiment analysis to improve your products, services, and overall customer experience.
User-Friendly Platform
Outscraper's intuitive interface makes it easy to set up and run data extraction tasks, even for non-technical users.
Scalable Solutions
Handle large-scale data extraction effortlessly, whether you need data for a single business or across multiple locations globally.
Support and Updates
Receive ongoing support and software updates, ensuring your data extraction processes remain efficient and effective amidst any changes to Google Maps.
Coba Outscraper secara gratis dengan Tingkatan Gratis bulanan yang dapat diperbarui.
Apa Kata Klien?
Ulasan Anda akan sangat memotivasi tim kami! Gunakan Facebook, Perburuan Produk, Trustpilot, atau Capterra untuk mempostingnya.
Klien Kami
Dipercaya oleh ribuan pelanggan yang bahagia di seluruh dunia.
Pertanyaan dan jawaban paling sering
Google Maps reviews scraping, harvesting, atau extracting adalah proses mendapatkan ulasan bisnis dari situs Google Maps. Ini memperluas API Google Places resmi dan memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan akses real-time ke sejumlah ulasan.
- Buat akun di Outscraper dan menghasilkan kunci API dari halaman profil.
- Arahkan ke Dokumen API untuk melihat contoh permintaan.
effortlessly retrieve detailed place reviews, ratings, and business insights from Google Places. Ideal for businesses seeking to integrate review data seamlessly, the Google Maps Reviews API provides access to Google My Business reviews, ensuring you can analyze customer feedback for improved decision-making.
With this API, you can easily fetch Google reviews and ratings, aggregate review data, and integrate customer feedback into your applications. Whether you need a review scraper API or a solution for retrieving detailed business reviews, API offers a comprehensive way to manage and utilize review data.
Enhance your services with accurate review extraction and location insights, leveraging the API for business insights and customer feedback analysis. Gain valuable insights into customer experiences, improve your services, and stay ahead in the market by integrating the Outscraper Google Maps Reviews API today.