Outscraper 常见问题
Scraping, harvesting, parsing, or extracting is the process of getting all the information from some public site. It automates manual exporting of the data.
Every scraping task is running in the cloud. Your IP address will not be affected by the scraping.

No. All scraping activities occur on Outscraper servers, ensuring that your IP address is not utilized for data scraping. It also means your computer can be turned off when extraction tasks are running.
When a subscription is finalized, you will receive an invoice for the usage of the services during the subscription period.
- Before adding credits, make sure you entered your details on the billing information page (in case you need it in invoices or PO).
- Navigate to your profile page.
- 输入你想增加的点数。
- 选择你想使用的支付方式,以增加信用额度(信用卡、PayPal等)。
- 在点击你的支付方式的按钮后,按照支付方式提供者的步骤操作。
Once you have some usage, you can see the upcoming invoice on the Profile Page. Once you have the amount due, you can generate the invoice manually by clicking “Generate Invoice”, or it will be generated automatically within 30 days.
Invoices with the usage of specific services will be generated after each billing period (30 days). Alternatively, once you have the amount due, you can generate the invoice manually by clicking “Generate Invoice” on the Profile Page.
- Open Outscraper Platform.
- 导航到 账单信息页.
- 输入你想在发票上看到的必要的帐单信息。
- 点击 "保存 "按钮。你今后所有的发票都将以你所输入的信息来创建。
推荐朋友并开始接收 35% 您的账户余额中。您的推荐人将收到 25% 首次付款可享受折扣。 立即获取推荐链接.
The limit of queries per second depends on the nature of the requests, the service, and the request parameters (amount of results, number of queries, etc.). The average QPS is about 20 (soft limit). However, Outscraper can scale according to your needs. Please contact the team in case you need a higher QPS.
Yes. API supports batching by sending arrays with up to 25 queries (e.g., query=text1&query=text2&query=text3). It allows multiple queries to be sent in one request and saves on network latency.
Navigate to the API Usage History page to see your latest requests.
导航至 个人资料页->API令牌来创建一个新的密钥。
- Make sure you are using the latest versions of the API endpoints. For example, prefer using Places API V2 instead of Places API V1. In the case of using SDK the last version of API will be used by default (e.g. google_maps_search()).
- 使用批处理,每个请求最多可以发送25个查询(例如,query=text1&query=text2&query=text3)。它允许在一个请求中发送多个查询,并节省网络延迟时间。
- Run requests in parallel. Check out this example.
- Use a webhook to fetch results once it’s ready.
Sometimes Google adds other categories to your searches. For example, when you search for restaurants, you might see bars, coffee shops, or even hotels. This might lead to irrelevant data, especially when you are using minor categories like swimming pools.
Outscraper 为您提供了两种工具,可用于消除这些类别。
Filter results by applying Filters to the subtypes column. Such filters can eliminate all the irrelevant data and return only what you need. To avoid empty results, make sure you are familiar with the values of the fields before using the Filters.
谷歌地图有一个限制,每次查询搜索最多只能显示400-500个地方。当一个类别中的公司较多时,这可能是一个问题。例如,对于查询 “餐厅,布鲁克林”.
“餐厅,布鲁克林 11203”,
“餐厅,布鲁克林 11211”,
“餐厅,布鲁克林 11215”,
勾选 "使用查询 "切换器并输入查询。
要强制 Google 仅搜索特定公司,请将术语括在引号“”之间。 这 ” “ 运算符通常用于停用词(Google 否则会忽略的词),或者当您希望 Google 仅返回与您的搜索词完全匹配的那些页面时。
建议单击并打开一些查询以查看它在 Google 地图站点上的外观。
1. Organizations per query limit – the limit of organizations to take from one query.
2. Number of queries – the amount of search queries you’re going to make.
机器人将进行 6 次查询以从 2 个类别和 3 个位置提取数据。
因此,由此产生的数量将不超过 480 个组织(限制为 80 * 6 个查询)。
你可以通过选择 "删除重复 "复选框来删除一个任务中的重复内容。
是的,你可以通过使用 "删除重复 "复选框(高级参数)在一个任务内删除重复的内容。或者,你可以通过使用 "google_id "或 "place_id "字段作为一个地方的唯一标识符,自己删除它。
Yes. You can use the following link as a query: “https://www.google.com/maps/search/real+estate+agency/@41.4034,2.1718413,17z” where you can specify a query (real+estate+agency), the coordinates (41.4034,2.1718413) and zoom level (17z). You can find these values while visiting Google Maps.
Alternatively, you can use the “coordinates” parameter if you are using the API.
Yes. You can use Emails & Contacts Scraper along with Google Maps scraper to enrich the data from Google. In order to do so, select “Emails & Contacts Scraper” in the “Enrich by other services” section on the Google Maps Scraper page.
是的。 To find businesses without websites, you can use our advanced search filters. Choose the ‘site’ field and set it to ‘is blank’. This will show you businesses that don’t have a website. If you want to see businesses with websites, just set the ‘site’ field to ‘is not blank’ instead.
To learn more about filters, please visit this article: https://outscraper.com/google-maps-data-scraper-filters/