Access emails, contacts, and socials of your target companies.
"query": "Central Park NY",
"name": "Central Park",
"place_id": "ChIJ4zGFAZpYwokRGUGph3Mf37k",
"google_id": "0x89c2589a018531e3:0xb9df1f7387a94119",
"full_address": "New York, NY",
"borough": "Manhattan",
"street": null,
"postal_code": null,
"area_service": false,
"country_code": "US",
"country": "United States of America",
"city": "New York",
"us_state": "New York",
"state": "New York",
"plus_code": "87G8Q2MM+2Q",
"latitude": 40.7825547,
"longitude": -73.9655834,
"time_zone": "America/New_York",
"site": "",
"phone": "+1 212-310-6600",
"type": "Park",
"logo": "",
"description": "Sprawling park with pedestrian paths & ballfields, plus a zoo, carousel, boat rentals & a reservoir.",
"located_in": null,
"located_google_id": null,
"category": "attractions",
"subtypes": "Park, Garden, Tourist attraction",
"posts": null,
"reviews_tags": ["march", "pollen", "carriage", "skyscrapers"],
"rating": 4.8,
"reviews": 247723,
"photos_count": 1579025,
"cid": "13393458397880860953",
"reviews_link": "",
"reviews_id": "-5053285675828690663",
"photo": "",
"street_view": "",
"working_hours_old_format": "Monday: 6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM | Tuesday: 6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM | Wednesday: 6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM | Thursday: 6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM | Friday: 6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM | Saturday: 6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM | Sunday: 6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM",
"working_hours": {
"Monday": "6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM",
"Tuesday": "6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM",
"Wednesday": "6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM",
"Thursday": "6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM",
"Friday": "6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM",
"Saturday": "6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM",
"Sunday": "6\u202fAM-1\u202fAM"
"other_hours": null,
"business_status": "OPERATIONAL",
"about": {
"Accessibility": {
"Wheelchair accessible entrance": true,
"Wheelchair accessible parking lot": true
"Activities": {
"Hiking": true
"Amenities": {
"Dogs allowed": true,
"Good for kids": true,
"Picnic tables": true,
"Public restroom": true,
"Slides": true,
"Swings": true,
"Volleyball court": true
"popular_times": [...],
"range": null,
"reviews_per_score": {
"1": 1325,
"2": 959,
"3": 5563,
"4": 30783,
"5": 209093
"reservation_links": null,
"booking_appointment_link": null,
"menu_link": null,
"order_links": null,
"owner_id": "100816397962289212627",
"verified": true,
"owner_title": "Central Park",
"owner_link": "",
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使用来自您的应用程序的数据。查看 API文档 查看代码示例。
- name - 谷歌地图上的地名。
- site - 该地的网站。
- type - 发现它的地方的类型(可以是子类型中的任何元素)。
- subtypes - 所有类型的地方。
- category - 该地的主要类型(有时可能是用当地语言)。
- phone - 地方的电话号码。
- full_address - 地点的完整地址。
- borough - 场所所在地的行政区。
- street - 地点位置的街道。
- city - 地点的城市。
- postal_code - 地点的邮政编码。
- state - 地点位置的状态。
- us_state - 地点位置的状态(在未来的版本中会被删除)。
- state - 场所所在地的国家。
- country_code - 地点的国家代码。
- latitude - 地点位置的纬度。
- longitude - 地点位置的经度。
- time_zone - 地点的时区。
- plus_code – location plus code or open location code (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
- area_service – shows if the place is service without a physical location.
- rating - 该地的评级。
- reviews - 评论数
- reviews_link - 链接到该地的评论。
- review_per_score - JSON对象,包含每个分数的评论。
- reviews_tags – most common review tags (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
- photos_count - 来自该地的照片数量。
- photo - 该地的图片链接。
- street_view – image link of the place street view (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
- located_in – name of the parent place where it’s located (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
- working_hours - 包含该地工作时间的JSON对象。
- working_hours_old_format - 该地的工作时间。
- popular_times – popular time of the place including live status (e.g. little busy, works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
- business_status - 企业的现状。
- about - 关于这个地方的额外信息(例如,确定为妇女所有,LGBTQ+友好)。
- description – place description (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
- range - 该地的价格范围。
- posts - 含有该地方帖子的JSON对象(只对某些地方有效)。 了解更多).
- verified - 表示该地是否被认领。
- owner_id - 场所所有者的唯一标识符。
- owner_title - 业主简介页的标题。
- owner_link - 链接到谷歌地图上的业主简介。
- reservation_links - 链接,进行预订。
- booking_appointment_link - 链接到预约。
- menu_link – link to menu (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
- order_links - 链接来下订单。
- location_link - 在谷歌地图上链接到这个地方。
- place_id - 该地的唯一标识符(谷歌可能每年更新几次)。
- google_id - 地方的唯一标识符,也被称为特征ID(谷歌可能每年更新几次)。
- cid - 谷歌生态系统中的列表的多平台ID。
- reviews_id - 地方的评论的唯一标识符。
- located_google_id – google_id of the parent place where it’s located (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
通过应用可能增加的额外数据 电子邮件和通讯录抓取工具 enrichment (select it with UI or use the “domains_service” parameter with API).你可以在以下内容中了解更多关于丰富的内容 本文.
- domain – website domain.
- email_1 – the first email found associated with the place.
- email_2 – the second email found associated with the place.
- email_3 – the third email found associated with the place.
- Facebook – link to the Facebook page.
- Instagram – link to the Instagram page.
- 推特 – link to the Twitter page.
- 领英 – link to the Linkedin page.
- YouTube – link to the Youtube page.
- Phone_1 – first phone found from the website.
- phone_2 – second phone found from the website.
- phone_3 – third phone found from the website.
- website_title – title of the website (meta tag).
- website_generator – the platform the website is built on (WordPress, etc.).
- website_description – description of the website (meta tag).
- website_keywords – keywords from the website (meta tag).
- website_has_fb_pixel – shows if FB pixel was found.
- website_has_google_tag – shows if Google Tagmanager code was found.
Why Use Outscraper Google Maps API?
Comprehensive Data Access
Extract detailed business information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, ratings, and reviews directly from Google Maps Places.
High Accuracy and Reliability
Benefit from Outscraper's robust scraping technology, designed to provide accurate and reliable data consistently.
Real-Time Data Retrieval
Access the most current data available, ensuring your information is always up-to-date and relevant for your needs.
Save time and resources with automated data extraction, reducing the need for manual data collection and analysis.
Integration Capabilities
Easily integrate extracted data into your existing CRM, marketing, or data analysis tools for enhanced business operations.
Free Tier Available
Start with Outscraper's free tier to experience the benefits of automated data extraction before committing to a subscription plan.
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你的评论会给我们的团队带来很大的动力!使用 Facebook, Product Hunt, Trustpilot,或 Capterra 发布。
restaurant, 10001, NY, US
, restaurant, 10002, NY, US
).请访问 本页 以了解更多信息。Outscraper的谷歌地图API有一个免费层(每月使用层,你可以每月免费使用)。
Google Maps Places scraping, harvesting, or extracting是一个从Google网站获取地方的过程。它扩展了官方的Google Places API,允许你实时访问任何数量的地方。
Google Places API是Google提供的一项服务,它允许开发人员访问和检索Google Places数据库中的详细地点信息。它提供了对大量地方相关数据的程序化访问,如企业名称、地址、电话号码、网站URL、用户评级、评论等等。
Outscraper的Google Maps Places API 对于寻求将地点相关功能整合到其应用程序或服务中的开发者来说,Outscraper是一个很好的解决方案。通过利用Outscraper的API,你可以以一种方便和对开发者友好的方式获得来自Google Places数据库的大量位置数据。
search and retrieve detailed information about places. Whether you need access to business listings, nearby places, or specific place details, this API provides comprehensive location data to enhance your applications.
Utilize the Google Maps API for accurate and reliable location intelligence, enabling you to search for nearby places, access place details, and integrate business information effortlessly. With features like place search integration, place autocomplete, and place photos API, the Google Places API is your gateway to rich location data.
Perfect for location-based services, the API supports geolocation and local business data extraction, making it an essential tool for businesses seeking to harness the full potential of Google Maps. Leverage the Google Maps platform to access nearby search, place reviews, and more, ensuring your applications deliver precise and valuable location insights. Enhance your business intelligence with Google’s location services and build smarter, more responsive applications today.