The Ultimate Database For B2B Lead Generation
Looking for B2B Leads Data? Check out Outscraper's dataset of the complete list of businesses.
Popular Leads Directories
See the latest searches & checkouts, or try to search hot leads by yourself with B2B Leads Directory.
Generate Leads Now
Try searching for new leads with HUB.
Step 1
Select the types of the companies you want to find. For example: restaurants, bars, real estate agencies, etc.
Step 2
Select the locations where the companies are located. For example: USA California, USA, New York, etc.
Step 3
Click "Search" to find the companies. Wait till the total amount estimate will be calculated, after you can check the examples and click "Export".
Pricing Plans
Innitital Tier
- For the first 5k records
- Advanced filters
- Map area search
- Emails addresses
- Phone numbers
- Carrier types
- API access
Startup Tier
- From 5k to 50k records
- Advanced filters
- Map area search
- Emails addresses
- Phone numbers
- Carrier types
- API access
Business Tier
- From 50k to 1M records
- Advanced filters
- Map area search
- Emails addresses
- Phone numbers
- Carrier types
- API access
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Trusted by thousands of happy customers worldwide.
Most frequent questions and answers
You can generate millions of leads by finding and exporting them from Outscraper Leads Database.
You can use companies HUB as a source of newly added and exciting companies.
A lead is a person or a company which interested in another company’s product or service.
The lead database is the dataset of local companies with emails, phones, addresses, Facebook, Linkedin, and other social profiles.
You can get B2B data by exporting the results from Hub.
The best source for leads is a list of companies in the required location under the specific category, for example, “restaurants in California“. Therefore, you can target very specific businesses types that might need your products or services.
businesses seeking to amplify marketing efforts and increase sales. With access to an Outscraper’s B2B database, tap into a vast pool of business leads, enabling effective B2B sales and targeted marketing campaigns.
The B2B leads list is meticulously curated to provide accurate and up-to-date business contact data. Whether looking for a B2B prospecting database or a reliable business contact database, this platform delivers. Utilize the lead generation tools to streamline processes and gain access to high-quality B2B contact data that drives results.
Unlock the potential of your sales strategy with a sales leads database designed to connect you with the Outscraper’s business contact leads. The B2B data solutions cater to your need for targeted business leads, ensuring you reach potential customers who are ready to engage. Experience the benefits of a robust B2B customer database, enhancing the ability to close deals and foster business growth.
Leverage lead generation software for B2B sales intelligence, helping identify and connect with qualified business leads. The platform supports lead generation automation, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition. From business data scraping to providing B2B email leads, there are solutions to fit your business needs.
Partner with a qualified B2B lead database provider to enhance lead generation strategies and drive business growth. Try our comprehensive lead generation database today and transform your approach to B2B marketing and sales.