Using Quora’s “List Match Audience” to Target Your Potential Clients

Table of Contents What is Quora’s “List Match Audience” Feature? Quora’s “list match audience” feature enables you to create a custom audience to target your campaign or to help attribute conversions by using your data, such as email addresses and phone numbers. For more details: Quora and Quora Ads Read more…

How To Create Matched Audience On LinkedIn For Your Business?

Table of Contents What is Matched Audiences? LinkedIn Matched Audiences are custom audience segments you can use as targeting selections in your advertising campaigns. You can check out details and frequently asked questions on LinkedIn’s help pages. How You Can Use LinkedIn Matched Audiences for Your Business? LinkedIn creates Read more…

Best Google Maps Crawlers in 2022

Table of Contents 5 Best Google Maps Crawlers in 2022 Phantombuster Outscraper Leads-Extractor ScrapeHero AhmadSoftware 1. Phantombuster Phantombuster has many different phantoms (tools) as well as a Google Maps Search Export phantom. Product Page:  Pros: Useful for small queries. Easy to scrape one query. Your credits can be used Read more…

What is Google Maps Scraper?

Table of Contents What is Google Maps Scraper? Google Maps Scraper is a tool for extracting data from Google Maps using services like Outscraper App Dashboard or API. You could scrape these data with Outscraper Google Maps Scraping Services Google Maps Data Scraper (Company Names, Websites, Phone Numbers) Google Maps Read more…