Google शॉपिंग समीक्षा स्क्रैपर

Google शॉपिंग उत्पादों से समीक्षाएँ स्क्रैप करें। ये केवल लेता है 6 मिनट साइन अप करने और निकालने शुरू करने के लिए।

Google Maps places - real estate agency Scraped Google Maps data

मूल्य निर्धारण योजनाएं

Pay as you go with monthly metered usage billing.

फ्री टियर

Usage before 500 reviews
$0 /समीक्षा
  • Free for the first 500 reviews.
  • CSV/XLSX export
  • Advanced filters
  • API access

Medium Tier

Usage after 500 reviews
$2/1,000 reviews
  • Price per 1k records for the usage from 501 to 5k reviews.
  • CSV/XLSX export
  • Advanced filters
  • API access

Business Tier

Usage after 50,000 reviews
$1/1,000 reviews
  • Price per 1k records for the usage after 50k reviews.
  • CSV/XLSX export
  • Advanced filters
  • API access
Results Guarantee
We provide a complete refund within 3 days of your purchase if Outscraper's tools fail to retrieve data from the web.
Is It Legal to Scrape Data?
सार्वजनिक डेटा को स्क्रैप करना और निकालना संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के संविधान के पहले संशोधन द्वारा संरक्षित है।

In fact, big search engines companies are getting a big part of their data by scraping thousands of public websites.

Why Scrape Google Shopping Reviews With Outscraper?

Review Coverage

Access reviews for a wide range of products on Google Shopping, ensuring you gather extensive customer feedback and insights.

Real-Time Data Extraction

Receive the latest reviews with real-time scraping, keeping your data current and relevant for timely analysis and decision-making.

User-Friendly Interface

Enjoy an intuitive platform that simplifies the setup and management of your Google Shopping reviews scraping tasks, making data extraction straightforward and efficient.

Fast and Efficient

Leverage powerful servers to quickly scrape large volumes of reviews, significantly reducing the time needed to gather customer feedback.

High Accuracy

Benefit from advanced scraping algorithms that ensure precise and reliable review data collection, minimizing errors and enhancing data quality.

Cloud-Based Scraping

Protect your IP and ensure seamless operation with Outscraper's secure, cloud-based scraping solutions, designed to handle extensive data extraction without interruption.

Tasks Extracted

Try Outscraper for free with a monthly renewable Free Tier.

What Clients Say?

मिहाई विनटोरू
मिहाई विनटोरूप्रबंध भागीदार
आउटस्क्रैपर एक सरल और सहज इंटरफ़ेस में Google मानचित्र स्थानों पर तेज़ और विश्वसनीय डेटा प्रदान कर रहा है। प्लेटफ़ॉर्म में उन्नत सुविधाएँ हैं, फिर भी यह उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल है। पिछले 12 महीनों में, हमने 120,000+ स्थानों से संबंधित प्रासंगिक सार्वजनिक डेटा निकालने के लिए आउटस्क्रैपर का उपयोग किया।
Juan G
Juan GPartner at Growth97
As a Digital Marketing Consultancy, Outscraper has truly been a gamechanger for both our business and our clients. It has allowed us to reach new potential clients and deliver breath-taking ROI campaigns for our clients. Anyone considering using Outscraper I would strongly recommend using it
ट्रैविस हॉवेल
ट्रैविस हॉवेलशोधकर्ता
अन्य विकल्पों की तुलना में आउटस्क्रैपर का उपयोग करना बहुत आसान रहा है, और इसने मुझे कुछ बेहतरीन जानकारी प्रदान की है। जब मुझे इसकी आवश्यकता हुई तो उनकी ग्राहक सेवा भी मददगार रही है।
Alex Crivion
Alex CrivionEnvapreneur
Outscraper is the best API service I’ve ever had to discover by pure luck (in an article from - was seeking something like this since 2019 and this platform is the only one actually working and doing the job.
सिल्वियाS1-ब्रांडिंग विश्वविद्यालय प्रसेतिया मुल्या
Thank you very much for your reply and help! If you don't mind please deliver my thanks to the developer team. I hope you all thrive!
कुछ ही मिनटों में बड़ी मात्रा में डेटा खोजने के लिए एक शानदार मंच "आउटस्क्रैपर" प्रदान करने के लिए बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद, मेरी बिक्री को बढ़ावा देने के लिए भी धन्यवाद
Nate Lile
Nate LileEntrepreneur
I've been testing and using Outscraper for a few weeks now. I'm incredibly happy with their current offerings and I'm looking forward to them adding more public sources. Its stupid easy to use and so affordable. Thanks guys!
Russell Hesse
Russell HesseCMO
What an awesome tool for getting marketing lead prospects. It's much faster than the estimates they give when doing a scrape. (It's always good to under-promise & over-deliver to your customers)...
Ashish Kumar
Ashish KumarData analyst and front-end designer
This service has been extremely helpful for me. Apart from their super fast API for various services, their amazing support is something that would make you go back to them. Dana from Outscraper team had helped me tirelessly for 3 days when I got into an issue and the dev team even made a spot update in their SDK package to suit my requirements. Highly recommended!
Dion Kenney
Dion KenneyCOO of Mondofora
I wish I had found it sooner. I've been manually collecting data from Google Maps for the past 15 months! The first search produced more usable data in 20 minutes than my 15 months did altogether.
 Ian Mason
Ian MasonCTO
Outscraper is the best scraper I've found. I cannot believe how well it works, how much data I get back, with no errors or headaches. I can make any directory site I want now

Your review will motivate our team a lot! Use फेसबुक, Product Hunt, Trustpilot, or Capterra to post it.

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Trusted by thousands of happy customers worldwide.

सामान्य प्रश्न

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न और उत्तर

हां। आप Google शॉपिंग पर सभी उत्पादों से समीक्षाओं का उपयोग करके स्क्रैप कर सकते हैं Google शॉपिंग समीक्षा स्क्रैपर.

Google शॉपिंग समीक्षा स्क्रैपिंग, हार्वेस्टिंग या पार्सिंग, Google शॉपिंग साइट से उत्पादों (शीर्षक, मुख्य भाग, रेटिंग, लेखक, दिनांक, आदि) के बारे में सभी समीक्षाएं प्राप्त करने की एक क्रिया है। यह समीक्षाओं के मैन्युअल निष्कर्षण को स्वचालित करता है।

सार्वजनिक डेटा को स्क्रैप करना और निकालना संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के संविधान के पहले संशोधन द्वारा संरक्षित है।

a competitive edge by understanding customer sentiments. Outscraper’s advanced tool automates the process of scraping Google Shopping reviews, providing you with comprehensive data for enhanced market analysis. Use Google Shopping Review Extractor to access real-time and bulk review data, enabling detailed Google Shopping review analysis.

Empower your business with the Google Shopping reviews tool, designed for Google Shopping review data extraction and insights. The Google Shopping review collection process is simplified, saving you time and resources. Utilize Google Shopping review scraping service to boost your marketing strategies, improve product offerings, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Experience the benefits of efficient Google Shopping review extraction with the specialized software. Scraping Google Shopping reviews has never been easier. Try Outscraper’s Google Shopping review data scraper today and transform your business with actionable insights.