हमारे बारे में
The internet was meant to be a new utopia, a tool of liberty, fraternity, equality, radical democracy, and freedom. It might have had its moments but has a tool celebrated for its openness turned into a closed system?
Our Value
We believe that public data should be accessible to everybody. Our mission is to provide simple and reliable solutions for accessing public information from the internet for lead generation, marketing, and data collection.
Who We Are
हम एक खुली और सीमाहीन दुनिया के जुनून के साथ अनुभवी इंजीनियर और डेटा वैज्ञानिक हैं। हमने अत्याधुनिक तकनीकों के साथ विभिन्न डेटा स्क्रैपिंग समाधानों के निर्माण में काफी समय बिताया है।
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