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What is Google Places API?

Google Places API is a service offered by Google that allows developers to access data about places, such as businesses, landmarks, and other points of interest. The API allows developers to search for places using a variety of parameters, such as location, keyword, type, and other filters. It also provides detailed information about each place, including its name, address, ratings, and reviews.

Overall, Google Places API is a powerful tool that allows developers to build location-based applications or add location-based features to existing apps. It provides access to a wealth of data about places, including detailed information and user-generated content.

What Data Does the Google Places API Serve?

The Google Places API serves data about places, including the following main ones:


  • The name of the place
  • The address of the place
  • The website of the place
  • The phone number of the place
  • Ratings and reviews of the place

Apart from these data, Google Places has more than 45 data belonging to one place or business. These include information such as latitude, longitude, working hours, popular times, and business status.

For What Purposes Can the Google Places API Be Used?

 Google Places API can be used to create a wide range of location-based applications and add location-based functionality to existing apps. Like:

  • Creating location-based apps that allow users to search for and find information about places, such as businesses, landmarks, and other points of interest.
  • Adding location-based features to existing apps, such as the ability to search for and find nearby places or display information about a specific place on a map.
  • Building apps that allow users to rate and review places or share photos and other content related to places.
  • Creating apps that allow users to save and organize their favorite places or to create lists of places to visit or share with others.
  • Building apps that use the ratings and reviews from Google Places to provide recommendations or personalized suggestions to users.

Besides, Google Places API can be used for a variety of purposes, such as location data analysis, location-based investment decision evaluation, online reputation management, business directory creation, lead generation, finding new clients, customer satisfaction tracking, and more.

As in the examples, Google Places data is used in dozens of different areas. Because it is so popular, many people seek alternatives to the Google Places API.

Is There an Alternative to the Google Places API?

There are alternative APIs that provide similar functionality to the Google Places API. Some examples of these APIs include the Bing Maps API, the MapQuest API, and the HERE Maps API. These APIs allow developers to access data about places, including detailed information, ratings, and reviews.

But all of these services provide data from their own databases. For developers who want Google Maps Data, there are alternative solutions to Google Places API. Outscraper Google Maps Places API dan Outscraper Google Maps Reviews API are the two. Outscraper APIs, let users fetch Google Maps results in real-time. It stands out with its extended data, extract unlimited review capability, and pricing.

Outscraper Google Places API

Outscraper is a service that offers cutting-edge technologies for data scraping. Outscraper offers scraping services for Google Maps. It lets you extract Google Maps data in real-time with API.

There are some topics where Outscraper Google Places API stands out as an alternative Google Places API. These are the ability to provide comprehensive data more than the Official Google Places API with Maps Places API, scrape unlimited reviews with Maps Reviews API, and the pricing.

Extended Google Places Data

Outscraper’s Google Maps Places API can provide dozens of data for places. It also has the ability to offer extra data that cannot be accessed with the Google Places API. An example response for a place is as follows:

      "name": "National Museum of the American Indian",
      "full_address": "1 Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004",
      "borough": "Manhattan",
      "street": "1 Bowling Green",
      "city": "New York",
      "postal_code": "10004",
      "country_code": "US",
      "country": "United States of America",
      "us_state": "New York",
      "state": "New York",
      "plus_code": null,
      "latitude": 40.7039861,
      "longitude": -74.01368889999999,
      "time_zone": "America/New_York",
      "site": "http://www.americanindian.si.edu/",
      "phone": "+1 212-514-3700",
      "type": "National museum",
      "subtypes": "National museum, Tourist attraction",
      "posts": null,
      "rating": 4.4,
      "reviews": 3684,
      "reviews_data": null,
      "photos_count": 19359,
      "google_id": "0x89c25a13ea8996f7:0x8891204f43265340",
      "place_id": "ChIJ95aJ6hNawokRQFMmQ08gkYg",
      "reviews_link": "https://search.google.com/local/reviews?placeid=ChIJ95aJ6hNawokRQFMmQ08gkYg&q=museums+near+New+York,+NY,+USA&authuser=0&hl=en&gl=US",
      "reviews_id": "-8606061888127216832",
      "photo": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipM-H0FWxL1FhlJQBJ7X3-D3VDrySvJenqzEuGhS",
      "working_hours": {
        "Monday": "10AM–5PM",
        "Tuesday": "10AM–5PM",
        "Wednesday": "10AM–5PM",
        "Thursday": "10AM–8PM",
        "Friday": "10AM–5PM",
        "Saturday": "10AM–5PM",
        "Sunday": "10AM–5PM"
      "business_status": "CLOSED_TEMPORARILY",
      "about": {
        "Accessibility": {
          "Wheelchair accessible elevator": true,
          "Wheelchair accessible restroom": true,
          "Wheelchair accessible parking lot": false
      "range": null,
      "reviews_per_score": {
        "1": 66,
        "2": 78,
        "3": 347,
        "4": 866,
        "5": 2327
      "reserving_table_link": null,
      "booking_appointment_link": null,
      "owner_id": "107114672541065218029",
      "verified": true,
      "owner_title": "National Museum of the American Indian",
      "owner_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/107114672541065218029",
      "location_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/National+Museum+of+the+American+Indian/@40.7039861,-74.01368889999999,14z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sNational+Museum+of+the+American+Indian!3m4!1s0x89c25a13ea8996f7:0x8891204f43265340!8m2!3d40.7039861!4d-74.01368889999999"

Google Maps Places API Data Dictionary: Unduh

API Documents: API-Docs

Reviews API Without 5 Reviews Limitation

Google Places API allows you to pull up to only 5 review data from a place. This is an issue that many users are worried about. If you are not the owner of the business profile, Google does not allow exceeding this limit.

But with Outscraper services it is possible. You can extract all the reviews of any place without limit with the Outscraper Google Maps Reviews API.

Here is a sample response for extracting a review:

    "name": "National Museum of the American Indian",
    "rating": 4.5,
    "reviews": 6501,
    "reviews_data": [
            "google_id": "0x89b7b783fc58e717:0xde1953f24f51818",
            "author_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112021154772754874803?hl=en-US",
            "author_title": "Sharon Stone",
            "author_id": "112021154772754874803",
            "author_image": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GgesxM1R50ch-ZQfYHkfyCethdfnwVBXlJyzUTHTQ=c0x00000000-cc-rp-ba3",
            "review_text": "One of those lesser-known museums. This is a must for visiting DC. The museum is not as crowded as the others But it has an atmosphere like none other. Truly amazed",
            "review_img_url": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOovYxmn9figwNlbEjNwcretJJpOB1suZ5Mo0lu",
            "owner_answer": null,
            "owner_answer_timestamp": null,
            "owner_answer_timestamp_datetime_utc": null,
            "review_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m5!14m4!1m3!1m2!1s112021154772754874803!2s0x0:0xde1953f24f51818?hl=en-US",
            "review_rating": 5,
            "review_timestamp": 1612107518,
            "review_datetime_utc": "01/31/2021 15:38:38",
            "review_likes": 0
            "google_id": "0x89b7b783fc58e717:0xde1953f24f51818",
            "author_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/115801625784073856553?hl=en-US",
            "author_title": "Sara Key",
            "author_id": "115801625784073856553",
            "author_image": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Ghbg_eItSfbdJ3qfz5Z6TXlXzhMdFWyE-tAHBCsZw=c0x00000000-cc-rp-ba5",
            "review_text": "This museum is very historical!!! Brings down history to life regarding the Indians! Extremely interesting if you love history!!! Go with your history class/ students or with friends!!! I really recommend you all going here!! This is the one  place you should visit if you haven’t.",
            "review_img_url": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Ghbg_eItSfbdJ3qfz5Z6TXlXzhMdFWyE-tAHBCsZw",
            "owner_answer": null,
            "owner_answer_timestamp": null,
            "owner_answer_timestamp_datetime_utc": null,
            "review_link": "https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m5!14m4!1m3!1m2!1s115801625784073856553!2s0x0:0xde1953f24f51818?hl=en-US",
            "review_rating": 4,
            "review_timestamp": 1611894364,
            "review_datetime_utc": "01/29/2021 04:26:04",
            "review_likes": 0

Google Maps Reviews API Data Dictionary: Unduh

API Documents: API-Docs


Outscraper uses a pay-as-you-go model for invoicing, which means that you only pay for the services that you actually use. This allows you to control your project costs and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Both the API Ulasan Google Maps dan Google Maps Places API have their own specific pricing. You can check the pricing of the APIs on the product pages.

It’s free to create an account on Outscraper. You can sign up and test the Outscraper APIs now.


Pertanyaan dan jawaban paling sering

Google Places API grants free usage up to a certain limit. However, you can test the Outscraper Google Maps Places API for free, which is an alternative to Google Places API.

It is Outscraper Google Maps Places API. Which is the best and fastest alternative to Google Places API.

Google Places API offers free usage up to a certain limit. Likewise, Outscraper Google Maps Places API offers the opportunity to test the API with free credits.

Kategori: API


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