
Google Maps Data Extracting Without Coding

No-code services now provide the opportunity to do many jobs that require coding. Google Maps data scraping also got its share of no-code services.

It is common to scrape Google Maps data with Python. It is also possible to do it with 进展, 红宝石, Node.js, ǞǞǞ,以及 爪哇.

There is a 无需代码的谷歌地图数据采集器 service for people who do not have knowledge of all these coding languages. Outscraper allows you to scrape many Google services, including Google Maps, without any coding knowledge, with a clean and user-friendly interface thanks to the 应用仪表板.

What are the capabilities of Outscraper No-Code Google Maps Data Scraper?

  • Extracting Google Maps Data without any coding
  • Extracting only “exact match” places
  • Removing duplicate results
  • Creating tasks with enrichment services (Google Place Email Extractor, Phone Number Enricher, Email Validator, US Companies Data Enricher)
  • Using different languages to find country-specific businesses
  • Advanced filtering options
  • Selecting result file format: CSV/XLSX/JSON/Parquet
  • No proxy is needed.

How to Use No-Code Google Maps Data Scraper?

Creating a Google Maps scraping task is quick and easy with the Outscraper应用程序仪表板. It only asks you to select a few parameters to scrape data from Google Maps. Category, location, limits, language, and file extension. You can create a scraping task in five minutes without any coding knowledge.

No-Code Google Maps Data Scraper Dashboard

Everything is made easy for users in Outscraper. Categories and locations are ready-made lists. You can select the target category and location directly from the list.

Categories List
Locations List

There are more than 5,000 categories defined in Google Maps. All of these categories are ready for selection on the dashboard. You can visit the “谷歌地图分类” page to review all categories.


Outscraper also lets you choose how many result limits you want to set. When “0” is selected, it scrapes all results from that query.

If you are going to use the Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service for a use case such as creating a directory, you need to do a deeper scan. Zip codes have to be used. For learning how to scrape all places completely, you can have a look at the article: “如何从谷歌地图上抓取人口密集的地区和类别?


As a no-code Google Maps scraping service, one of the features that makes Outscraper special is its enrichment services. Thanks to these services, scraping tasks gain many capabilities. Extracting email from places is one of them. When “Emails and Contacts Scraper” enrichment service is selected, both Google Maps data and emails will be extracted in a single task.


Languages like Italian, German, Czech, Turkish, and Greek have their own special letters and expressions. There are country-specific expressions and businesses in such languages. It may not be convenient to search in English to find them. Outscraper provides flexibility in this regard with its language option.

File Format

When data is scraped by coding, this data must be processed and exported to the table. When using No-code Google Maps Data Scraper, you can download the results as a table directly. Results can be downloaded in CSV/XLSX/JSON/Parquet file format.

All Parameters Set

After all parameters are determined, it is sufficient to start the task by pressing the “Get Data” button. Outscraper will take care of everything else on its own. It does scraping on its own servers without the need for a proxy. All that remains is to download the result file when the task is finished.

Result File: Google Maps Data
Result File: Emails

Download and review the sample result file exported with Outscraper’s no-code Google Maps scraping service here.

Download Result File XLSX | Download Result File CSV

You can start extracting Google Maps data right now with Outscraper. But first, we recommend that you look at the tutorials and articles to learn more details about usage.

More Information About No-Code Google Maps Data Scraper

Outscraper 无需代码的谷歌地图数据采集器 has many features, such as enrichment services, duplicate elimination, and filtering. 您可以阅读文章"如何抓取谷歌地图?” to clearly understand the basic parameters of creating tasks clearly. Also, using filters will keep you away from irrelevant data. The “谷歌地图数据抓取工具过滤器"文章详细解释了如何使用过滤器。

There are a lot of different use cases that can give you ideas. You can find some successful examples of what you can do using Outscraper services from “应用案例“. Outscraper services offers many different services and strategies.

Create a free account in Outscraper now and start extracting data from Google Maps without coding with free credits.


Outscraper gives a free usage limit every month under the ‘Free Tier’. You can check the 定价 页了解定价和免费层级限制。 注册并尝试 No-Code Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper 现在免费提供服务。



You can use a Google Maps scraping service to extract all phone numbers from Google Maps. Some numbers can be landlines and some numbers can be mobile phone numbers. Outscraper 谷歌地图数据搜刮器 lets you extract and parse phone numbers.

G map extractor is a No-Code tool for extracting Google Maps data without any coding skill. The tool is available on the Outscraper 谷歌地图数据搜刮器 page. It has a free tier to use it.

Outscraper offers monthly free credits as part of the Google Maps Data Scraper service “Free Tier”. With these free credits you can scrape Google Maps.

Maps extractor is the name given to the tools or services that extract public data from the Google Maps service. Outscraper’s Google Maps Data Scraper service is one of these maps extractors.

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