
Google Maps Scraping in Pure Ruby

Knowledge of coding, browser emulation, proxies, and a reCAPTCHA solver are all essential when scraping Google Maps. You should also be prepared to adapt to any future updates Google makes to its dynamic content.

To begin, you will want to employ browser emulation to mimic a real user’s actions. Potentially useful solutions include  and similar browser emulation tools.

Besides that, 代理人 are essential for protecting your office/home IP address. This allows you to access the web using the IP addresses of other users.

After a certain amount of use with such tools, Google may begin displaying reCAPTCHA and associating some of your IP addresses with it. You can install a reCAPTCHA解算器 if you don’t want to keep switching IP addresses every time you encounter one.

In addition, anticipate instances in which Google’s information may be updated. It is possible with regular testing.

The scraper can be developed and kept up and running, but it may be a lengthy process. Learn more about scraping Google Maps with Python and Selenium by reviewing this detailed guide: How to Scrape Google Maps with Python and Selenium.

Google Maps Scraping With Outscraper Ruby Package

A more tried-and-tested way of scraping Google Maps will be using the Outscraper Ruby library.它提供了方便的通道。 Outscraper API from applications written in the Ruby language, which allows you to use Outscraper的服务 从你的代码中。

你可以先安装 该包裹 并在以下网站创建一个账户 Outscraper.


Install the gem and add it to the application’s Gemfile by executing:

					bundle add outscraper

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

					gem install outscraper


通过导入类和添加你的秘密API密钥来初始化Outscraper客户端。你可以在以下网站上生成API密钥 个人资料页面.

					require 'Outscraper'

client = Outscraper::Client.new('SECRET_API_KEY')



					# Search for businesses in specific locations:
result = client.google_maps_search_v2('restaurants brooklyn usa', limit: 20, language: 'en', region: 'us')


					# Get data of the specific place by id
result = client.google_maps_search_v2('ChIJrc9T9fpYwokRdvjYRHT8nI4', language: 'en')

现在就试试Outscraper SDK

You can simply scrape Google Maps scraping with Ruby because the Outscraper SDK has made it possible. You can try it right now with a Free Tier.



你可以通过使用Outscraper SDK刮取谷歌地图结果。指定搜索查询、语言和其他参数,并发送您的请求。
bundle add outscraper
gem install outscraper
require 'Outscraper'

client = Outscraper::Client.new('SECRET_API_KEY'))
# Search for businesses in specific locations:
result = client.google_maps_search_v2('restaurants brooklyn usa', limit: 20, language: 'en', region: 'us')

刮取谷歌地图需要良好的编码知识、浏览器模拟、代理和 reCAPTCHA解算器。 此外,你也应该准备好应对谷歌可能对其动态内容做出的改变。


类别: API


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