
If you can buy a leads database, so can everyone. But if you create the database yourself, it’s less likely that contacts have already received many cold reach outs.


谷歌地图地点-房地产代理 从谷歌地图中提取的数据




Usage before 500 leads
  • Free for the first 500 businesses
  • Up to 3 email addresses per a lead
  • Up to 3 phone numbers per a lead
  • CSV/Excel/Parquet/JSON
  • 社会概况


Usage after 100,000 leads
  • Price per 1k records for the usage after 100k businesses
  • Up to 3 email addresses per a lead
  • Up to 3 phone numbers per a lead
  • CSV/Excel/Parquet/JSON
  • 高级过滤器
  • 社会概况
  • Unlimited
如果 Outscraper 的工具无法从网上检索数据,我们将在您购买后 3 天内提供全额退款。



  • name - 谷歌地图上的地名。
  • site - 该地的网站。
  • type - 发现它的地方的类型(可以是子类型中的任何元素)。
  • subtypes - 所有类型的地方。
  • category - 该地的主要类型(有时可能是用当地语言)。
  • phone - 地方的电话号码。
  • full_address - 地点的完整地址。
  • borough - 场所所在地的行政区。
  • street - 地点位置的街道。
  • city - 地点的城市。
  • postal_code - 地点的邮政编码。
  • state - 地点位置的状态。
  • us_state - 地点位置的状态(在未来的版本中会被删除)。
  • state - 场所所在地的国家。
  • country_code - 地点的国家代码。
  • latitude - 地点位置的纬度。
  • longitude - 地点位置的经度。
  • time_zone - 地点的时区。
  • plus_code – location plus code or open location code (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
  • area_service – shows if the place is service without a physical location.
  • rating - 该地的评级。
  • reviews - 评论数
  • reviews_link - 链接到该地的评论。
  • review_per_score - JSON对象,包含每个分数的评论。
  • reviews_tags – most common review tags (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
  • photos_count - 来自该地的照片数量。
  • photo - 该地的图片链接。
  • street_view - 该地街景的图片链接。
  • located_in – name of the parent place where it’s located (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
  • working_hours - 包含该地工作时间的JSON对象。
  • working_hours_old_format - 该地的工作时间。
  • popular_times – popular time of the place (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
  • business_status - 企业的现状。
  • about - 关于这个地方的额外信息(例如,确定为妇女所有,LGBTQ+友好)。
  • description – place description (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
  • range - 该地的价格范围。
  • posts - 含有该地方帖子的JSON对象(只对某些地方有效)。 了解更多).
  • verified - 表示该地是否被认领。
  • owner_id - 场所所有者的唯一标识符。
  • owner_title - 业主简介页的标题。
  • owner_link - 链接到谷歌地图上的业主简介。
  • reservation_links - 链接,进行预订。
  • booking_appointment_link - 链接到预约。
  • menu_link – link to menu (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).
  • order_links - 链接来下订单。
  • location_link - 在谷歌地图上链接到这个地方。
  • place_id - 该地的唯一标识符(谷歌可能每年更新几次)。
  • google_id - 地方的唯一标识符,也被称为特征ID(谷歌可能每年更新几次)。
  • cid - 谷歌生态系统中的列表的多平台ID。
  • reviews_id - 地方的评论的唯一标识符。
  • located_google_id – google_id of the parent place where it’s located (works only for individual searches, e.g. query: “Hotel Colombo Berat”, “0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8”, 了解更多).

通过应用可能增加的额外数据 电子邮件和通讯录抓取工具 enrichment (select it with UI or use the “domains_service” parameter with API).你可以在以下内容中了解更多关于丰富的内容 本文.

  • domain – website domain.
  • email_1 – the first email found associated with the place.
  • email_2 – the second email found associated with the place.
  • email_3 – the third email found associated with the place.
  • Facebook – link to the Facebook page.
  • Instagram – link to the Instagram page.
  • 推特 – link to the Twitter page.
  • 领英 – link to the Linkedin page.
  • YouTube – link to the Youtube page.
  • Phone_1 – first phone found from the website.
  • phone_2 – second phone found from the website.
  • phone_3 – third phone found from the website.
  • website_title – title of the website (meta tag).
  • website_generator – the platform the website is built on (WordPress, etc.).
  • website_description – description of the website (meta tag).
  • website_keywords – keywords from the website (meta tag).
  • website_has_fb_pixel – shows if FB pixel was found.
  • website_has_google_tag – shows if Google Tagmanager code was found.

Lead Scraper API Docs

Make use of your app's data for lead capture needs. For code examples, visit the API Lead Scraper Docs.


Why Scrape Leads With Outscraper?


Outscraper is the trusted choice for lead scraping, serving a diverse range of satisfied customers globally, from individuals to prominent enterprises.

Cutting-Edge Technologies

Utilizing cutting-edge technologies, we redefine lead scraping, delivering high-quality data extraction that precisely meets your requirements, whether it's contact information, business leads, or sales prospects.


Our dedicated team consistently updates our software to adapt to dynamic site changes, ensuring seamless lead scraping operations and reliable access to up-to-date data.

Swift Performance

Access our robust servers strategically positioned across multiple locations, ensuring swift and timely delivery of your scraped data, enabling you to stay ahead in your lead generation efforts.


With Outscraper's specially designed core capable of handling millions of tasks simultaneously, experience limitless scalability for all your lead extraction needs, empowering your business to grow without constraints.


Protect your IP address from compromise with Outscraper's secure cloud servers, providing a safe and confidential environment for lead scraping, ensuring your data remains protected at all times.

Tasks Extracted


Connect Outscraper to Zapier and automate workflows.
Enrich your CRM data with HubSpot integration possibilities.


Mihai Vinatoru
Mihai Vinatoru管理合伙人
Outscraper 以简单直观的界面提供有关谷歌地图位置的快捷可靠数据。该平台具有先进的功能,对用户足够友好。在过去的 12 个月,我们使用 Outscraper 提取了 120,000 多个地点的相关公共数据。
Travis Howell
Travis Howell市场调查员
Outscraper 比其他替代方案更容易使用,它为我提供了一些很好的信息。当我需要时,他们的客户服务也很有帮助。
Alex Crivion
Alex Crivion创业者
SilviaS1-BRANDING Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Nate Lile
Nate Lile企业家
Ashish Kumar
Ashish Kumar数据分析员和前端设计师
这项服务对我非常有帮助。 除了用于各种服务的超快速 API 之外,他们令人惊叹的支持会让您再次使用他们。 当我遇到问题时,来自 Outscraper 团队的 Dana 不知疲倦地帮助了我 3 天,开发团队甚至在他们的 SDK 包中进行了现场更新以满足我的要求。 强烈推荐!
Dion Kenney
Dion KenneyMondofora的首席运营官
Outscraper 是我发现的最好的数据清除工具。我简直不敢相信它能运行得这么好,能返回这么多数据,而且没有错误或令人头疼的问题。我现在可以制作任何我想要的目录网站了

您的评论会给我们的团队带来很大的动力!使用Facebook, Product Hunt, Trustpilot, 或Capterra 来发布。





A lead scraper is a pivotal tool for businesses seeking to bolster their lead generation efforts. By employing web scraping techniques, this software efficiently gathers contact details from various websites, furnishing businesses with a robust database of potential leads. These extracted details are meticulously organized into file or database formats, simplifying their integration into your customer relationship management (CRM) system for seamless lead management and follow-up.

Identifying the ideal lead scraper tool hinges on several factors, including specific requirements, budget constraints, and personal preferences. Outscraper emerges as a dependable choice in the realm of lead scraping, renowned for its efficient data extraction capabilities. Nonetheless, it’s prudent to explore a spectrum of tools, evaluating features, pricing structures, and user feedback to pinpoint the solution that best suits your individual needs and objectives.

  1. Login to Google Maps scraper.
  2. 选择要提取的类别。
  3. 从下拉列表中选择位置。
  4. 选择语言并检查其他高级参数。
  5. 点击“抓取数据”。
  1. Login to Google Maps scraper.
  2. 选择要提取的类别。
  3. 从下拉列表中选择位置。
  4. 选择语言并检查其他高级参数。
  5. 点击“抓取数据”。

Scraping, harvesting, or extracting data from websites offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Automation of manual data export processes.
  • Comprehensive extraction of crucial information about businesses, including names, addresses, coordinates, websites, phone numbers, and operating hours.
  • Streamlining lead generation efforts by swiftly compiling pertinent data for analysis and follow-up.

A lead scraping tool is a type of web scraping tool that is specifically designed to extract contact information from websites for sales and marketing purposes. Lead scraping tools can extract various data fields, such as names, job titles, email addresses, phone numbers, and company names, from websites such as social media platforms, business directories, and company websites.

Lead scraping tools can be useful for businesses and sales teams to generate leads, build prospect lists, and enhance their marketing efforts. By automating the process of data extraction, lead scraping tools can save time and resources compared to manual data entry.

Scraping a leads database refers to the process of extracting contact information from a database that contains leads or potential customers. Leads databases typically contain information about individuals or businesses that have shown interest in a product or service or have certain characteristics that make them potential customers.

  1. Define your target locations and categories.
  2. Start scraping task.
  3. Download the leads database.