
Finding New Clients for B2B SaaS With Outscraper

As in physical product sales, B2B sales channels and B2C sales channels are very different from each other for a SaaS. While providing a B2C service, content marketing, SEO, SMM, and digital advertising are used to reach potential customers who are in need of service. In addition to using all these channels for B2B SaaS marketing, creating cold outreach campaigns for the businesses in the target market is very important.

For example, you may have developed a SaaS that will facilitate the work of real estate agencies. The product works great, new features are added every month, and now it is ready to be launched in its current form. The real challenge for you now is finding new clients for your SaaS and increasing your MRR.

Now that your web page is ready, you have opened your social media accounts. You have also posted tutorials on your YouTube channel. You are also listed on Product Hunt. Content is ready so that you can reach anyone who will use focus keywords to reach such a service. However, many potential customers will never know about you. We recommend trying cold outreach channels to reach all real estate agencies in your target market.

A real estate agency that will be your target potential customer can be reached through cold calling, cold email marketing, direct mail marketing, or audience-targeting ad campaigns. All these channels should be evaluated according to the capabilities and skills of the marketing team.

No matter which channel you will start a marketing effort from, it would help if you had something in this scenario. It is the list and contact data of real estate agencies from your marketing area.


At this point, Outscraper 서비스 offer you all the data you need. Outscraper is also a SaaS that works on web scraping. It is very useful in scraping Google services, especially Google Maps.

Using Google Maps Data Scraper to Find All Businesses on Target Market

Google 지도 is the world’s largest business directory. The easiest way to find specific groups of businesses anywhere in the world is a Google Maps search for that 카테고리. It is possible to browse all possible categories for B2B. This is a boon for SaaS founders looking for businesses in their target market. Outscraper Google 지도 데이터 스크레이퍼 lets SaaS founders scrape this huge directory to reach their potential customers in the target market. 

It is possible to try Outscraper for free, and creating a Google Maps scraping task is very easy on App Dashboard. It is sufficient to set only a few parameters. Create a free task by signing up quickly. An example parameter screen is as follows:

Task Creating UI

With the parameters in this example, we requested Outscraper to find all real estate agencies in Santa Barbara, CA, and list only agencies that have email addresses. Outscraper reaches the email addresses of businesses on Google Maps by using the 이메일 및 연락처 스크레이퍼 서비스.

Google Maps Sample Business Profile

Google Maps normally includes details such as a business’s full address, phone number, website, and opening hours. Outscraper makes it possible to use the 이메일 및 연락처 스크레이퍼 service as an enricher service in addition to Google 지도 데이터 스크레이퍼 service. Thus, in addition to these standard data, you can simultaneously scrape a business’s email addresses, contact information, and social media accounts. Such extra capabilities set Outscraper apart from many different Google Maps scraping services and tools. The results will be regular and satisfying.

샘플 결과

Task result files can be opened with any desired spreadsheet viewer. Also, it is possible to choose a file format from the task create screen. The results of the task created with the example parameters will be like this:

결과 파일

To review the result file, you can download it from Santa_Barbara_Real_Estate_Agencies

The list includes the phone number, full address, website, email addresses, contact information, and social media accounts of a real estate agency. Thanks to this list, it is now feasible to start marketing easily.

With this data, you can do cold email marketing, telemarketing, or direct mail marketing. It is all possible. You can also use that data list for audience targeting. For details, we recommend that you take a look at this article:

And also following articles can be read for more details and tutorials about “How to use the Google Maps Data Scraper?”

가입 후 무료 체험

Outscraper는 '무료 티어'에서 매월 무료 사용 한도를 정의합니다. 무료 티어에서 가격 페이지에서 가격 및 무료 티어 한도를 확인하세요. 가입하고 Outscraper 체험하기 Google 지도 데이터 스크레이퍼 서비스를 지금 무료로 이용할 수 있습니다.

자주하는 질문

가장 자주 묻는 질문과 답변

If B2B SaaS appeals to local businesses, Google Maps is an effective way to find these local businesses. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper allows you to find potential customers who will be interested in your SaaS from thousands of categories stored in Google Maps and extract their email addresses.

If you are looking for a B2B client, the first online place to look is business directories. Google Maps is the largest business directory in the world. It keeps track of businesses in all countries of the world. Therefore, Google Maps should be used when searching for new clients. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service allows you to easily extract lead data from Google Maps.

First, they determine which category the service appeals to companies operating in. Then they make a list of these companies. They then market their services by cold outreach to this list of potential customers. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper offers SaaS companies a data scraping service to find customers from local markets. Thus, SaaS companies can start a quick marketing campaign.

The easiest way to get leads for companies to do local B2B business is to use Google Maps. Millions of businesses are registered in thousands of categories on Google Maps. The targeted niche market is very easy to find thanks to this categorization. Extracting local company leads from Google Maps is quick and simple with Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper and Emails & Contacts Scraper enrichment service.

종량제 사용 방식

종량제를 사용하면 월 구독료 없이 사용한 서비스에 대해서만 비용을 지불할 수 있습니다. 수도나 전기와 같은 공과금을 지불하는 것과 같은 방식입니다.


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