

계정 만들기

Visit the Google Maps Reviews Scraper page to sign up now.

Enter your preferred email address and password, then click Continue. If you wish, you can also register directly with your Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts. (Skip this part if you already have an account, click login using your credentials.)

가입 페이지

이메일 확인

You will receive an email message to confirm your account by clicking the “confirm my account” link provided in the email.

이메일 인증

Creating Tasks and Parameters

Select Google Services>Maps Reviews service from the left panel and open the Google Maps Reviews Scraper service.

Google 지도 리뷰 스크레이퍼 서비스

There are 6 essential parameters that should be specified for your tasks.



Outscraper scrapes businesses in specified categories. You can also search keywords as category identifiers with Outscraper, but general categories are useful for giving ideas about your target companies. Check out the list of business categories on Google Maps:

Choose the category you want to target from the list or write the keyword of your preferred category.

Selecting Categories

There are 2 different settings that affect your category selection. Google-like queries and Custom categories.

Custom Categories and Google-like Queries Option

Google-like queries:

All expressions used in Google Maps can be used as queries.

Google-like Query Details


Select any country and city from the drop-down list. Outscraper searches only within the location you choose. Select your target country first.

Selecting Locations

After selecting the country, set your state and city choices, and narrow down your regions for the results.

Selecting Cities and States


There are 4 different sorting parameters you can use to get the results you want when creating scraping tasks. Most relevant, Newest, Highest rating, and Lowest ratingThe same filtering selections available on Google Maps are available on Outscraper and get the same results.

Review Sorting Option
Review Sorting on Google Maps

Most Relevant:

When you select the Most relevant filter, you will get Google’s featured reviews of selected places.

Sorting: Most Relevant
Get the oldest and newest reviews on the dates you specify by selecting the newest filter. Dates can be set for both the oldest and the newest reviews.
Filtering Reviews With Dates

The Highest rating filter starts to list and fetch the comments from the highest, just like Google Maps. One of the advantages of Outscraper is that you can filter your listing according to the review star limit you want.

Filtering Reviews With Rating

Lowest rating:

As with the highest filter, you can also choose to extract the lowest-rated comments with the lowest rating filter.

Eliminating Reviews With Rating


3 different parameters can be used to limit your results: Reviews limit per place, Places per query search, and skip.


고급 매개변수


The keywords you aim to scrape may have a special meaning in a different language. For this reason, when it is desired to search for that language, it is appropriate to select that language in the language section of the advanced parameters section.

Ignore reviews without text:

When people leave a review on Google Maps, sometimes they just give stars without writing a remark. If you are going to create a Google review scraping task because you only need to analyze the comments, you can choose this filter.

Tags & Extensions

Give any tag you want to your tasks and specify the extension of the result file in a way that suits you.

Additional Options
Result Extension and Task Tags

Complete Setting Parameters

Set all your parameters and review them for the last time. If all parameters are OK, click the “Scraper Reviews” button.

Final Check for All Parameters

작업 확인

Read the information about result estimation and click the “confirm” button to start the task.

Task Confirmation


작업 진행 상황 추적

On the Tasks page, you can track the progress of all your tasks.

Tracking Task Progress

결과 파일 다운로드

Download the results of your tasks at any time.

All results are stored on servers for 30 days only.

Downloading Result File

Review Your File

Review your result files with Excel or with the spreadsheet viewer that can open XSLX files.

Result File Details

Click to download and review the sample task: 202202070031339135_rest_comments.xlsx

The result file contains these columns (data). You can edit and use this data as you wish.

name, google_id, place_id, location_link, reviews_link, reviews_per_score, rating, review_id, author_link, author_title, author_id, author_image, review_text, review_img_url, owner_answer, owner_answer_timestamp, owner_answer_timestamp_datetime_utc, review_link, review_rating, review_timestamp, review_datetime_utc, review_likes, reviews_id

비디오 튜토리얼


가격 페이지 및 비용 계산기

Outscraper에는 월 구독료가 없습니다. 사용한 만큼만 비용을 지불하면 됩니다.

Please visit our pricing page for pricing details on our Google Maps Reviews scraping service.

Pricing Page: https://outscraper.com/pricing

There are 3 different tiers for pricing. These are the Free Tier, Medium Tier, and Business Tier. Pricing for these tiers can be checked on the pricing page. There is also a cost calculator on the pricing page. You can use the cost calculator to see how much your results will cost.

Service Pricing Tool On Dashboard

After registration, the “Service Pricing” tool can help you with pricing on the Google Maps Reviews Scraper service page on the Outscraper App Dashboard.

Service Pricing Tool

The service pricing tool will be shown on the right.

Price Calculator

If you specify how many reviews you want to scrape, you can see how much the task will cost you. Please visit the Billing Information page to add credit or provide your credit card.

결제 방법

프리 티어

매월 일정 금액의 무료 티어 크레딧을 Outscraper로 즐기세요. 이 크레딧은 가격 페이지에 표시된 대로 매월 갱신됩니다.

가격 페이지에서 특정 서비스에 대해 얼마나 많은 무료 크레딧이 있는지 확인할 수 있습니다.

결제 방법

크레딧을 추가하여 선불 결제 방법을 사용하거나 신용카드를 추가하고 청구 기간이 끝날 때 후불로 결제할 수 있습니다. 결제 정보 페이지에서 결제 방법을 확인하시기 바랍니다.

선불 - 크레딧 추가

Outscraper 사용을 시작하려면 계정에 크레딧을 추가하세요. 최소 한도는 10달러입니다. 원하는 만큼 크레딧을 추가하고 원할 때 언제든지 사용하세요.

크레딧 추가

크레딧은 신용카드, 암호화폐 또는 PayPal로 추가할 수 있습니다.

후불 - 신용 카드 추가

선불 방식에서는 먼저 결제한 후 사용하지만, 후불 방식에서는 신용카드를 제공한 후 사용을 시작합니다. 청구 기간이 끝나면 결제가 완료됩니다.

신용 카드 추가

청구 기간

청구 기간의 시작일과 종료일에 대한 정보는 프로필 페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 여기에서 예정된 청구서 금액을 추적할 수도 있습니다. 원하는 경우 결제 금액이 정해지면 수동으로 인보이스를 생성할 수 있습니다.

예정된 인보이스

Outscraper Google Maps Reviews Scraper Service Page


YouTube에서 팔로우하세요

자주하는 질문

가장 자주 묻는 질문과 답변

It is possible to extract Google reviews with Python using the Outscraper Google Maps Reviews API. However, by using the no-code Google Maps Reviews Scraper service, you can extract Google Maps reviews without any coding knowledge or skills.

With Outscraper it is possible to scrape data and reviews from Google Maps. Outscraper is an online tool that offers data scraping services from Google services. It allows you to scrape data from many services, including Google Maps.

It is possible to collect and download reviews of someone else or another business in Google Maps reviews. This requires an extractor or scraper service. Outscraper Google Maps Reviews Scraper service responds to this need.


Customer Success Manager - 페이스북 | 링크드인

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