⚫ Number of records: 100000+
⚫ File Format: CSV/XLSX/JSON/Parquet
⚫ Updated: Up-to-date
📒 Category: Gas Station, USA
📄 The list includes all gas stations in the USA. Full address, phone number, postal code, working hours, and more information have been included for each location.
Get Now❔ How It WorksSource: Google Maps | Data: All Gas Stations in the USA
Sample Data
Get a list of all gas stations in the USA. Download and review the sample list for free. The list contains a lot of data for each location. Full address, postal code, city, state, phone number, working hours, and more. Download the complete list with Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service.
Download Sample ListHow to Get Complete List? - Scraping All Locations From Google MapsWhat Information Does the List Contain?
- name - name of the place on Google Maps.
- موقع - website of the place.
- type - the type of the place under which it was found (can be any element from subtypes).
- الأنواع الفرعية - all types of the place.
- category - the main type of the place (sometimes might be in a local language).
- هاتف - place phone number.
- العنوان الكامل - full address of the place location.
- البلدة - borough of the place location.
- شارع - street of the place location.
- مدينة - city of the place location.
- رمز بريدي - postal code of the place location.
- حالة - state of the place location.
- us_state - state of the place location (will be removed in future versions).
- بلد - country of the place location.
- الرقم الدولي - country code of the place location.
- خط العرض - latitude of the place location.
- خط الطول - longitude of the place location.
- وحدة زمنية - timezone of the place location.
- plus_code - location plus code or open location code (works only for individual search, e.g. query: "Hotel Colombo Berat", "0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8").
- تقييم - rating of the place.
- المراجعات - number of reviews
- تعليقات_رابط - link to the place's reviews.
- الاستعراضات_في_الدرجة - JSON object with reviews per score.
- عدد الصور - number of photos from the place.
- صورة فوتوغرافية - image link of the place.
- street_view - image link of the place street view.
- ساعات العمل - JSON object with working hours of the place.
- work_hours_old_format - working hours of the place.
- popular_times - popular time of the place (works only for individual search, e.g. query: "Hotel Colombo Berat", "0x3e49a63f6b05fe3b:0xc73d6b1f31b2ccc8").
- حالة_العمل - current status of the business.
- حول - extra information about the place (e.g. Identifies as women-owned, LGBTQ+ friendly).
- description - place description.
- نطاق - price range of the place.
- دعامات - JSON object with posts from the place (works only for some places).
- تم التحقق - indicates if the place was claimed (no longer supported).
- بطاقة هوية المالك - unique identifier of the place owner.
- owner_title - title of the owner's profile page.
- owner_link - link to owner profile on Google Maps.
- reservation_links - link to make reservation.
- الحجز_تعيين_رابط - link to book appointment.
- menu_link - link to menu.
- order_links - link to place an order.
- رابط_الموقع - link to the place on Google Maps.
- معرّف_المكان - unique identifier of the place (Google might update it a couple of times per a year).
- google_id - unique identifier of the place, also known as Feature ID (Google might update it a couple of times per a year).
- cid - multi platform ID of a listing in Google ecosystem.
- reviews_id - unique identifier of the places' reviews.
Additional data that might be added by applying Emails Scraper Enrichment (select this enrichment in UI or use the "extractContacts" parameter in API ).
- domain - website domain.
- email_1 - the first email found associated with the place.
- email_2 - the second email found associated with the place.
- email_3 - the third email found associated with the place.
- موقع التواصل الاجتماعي الفيسبوك - link to the facebook page.
- الانستغرام - link to the instagram page.
- تويتر - link to the twitter page.
- ينكدين - link to the linkedin page.
- موقع يوتيوب - link to the youtube page.
- phone_1 - first phone found from the website.
- phone_2 - second phone found from the website.
- phone_3 - third phone found from the website.
- website_title - title of the website (meta tag).
- website_generator - the platform the website is built on.
- website_description - description of the website (meta tag).
- website_keywords - keywords from the website (meta tag).
- website_has_fb_pixel - shows if FB pixel was found.
- website_has_google_tag - shows if Google Tagmanager code was found.
الأسئلة والأجوبة الأكثر شيوعًا
Outscraper services allow you to list and download the all locations of gas stations in your desired state and city, or even the entire USA. Browse the complete location list datasets. Outscraper allows you to obtain datasets from hundreds of categories.
There are more than 100,000 gas stations in the United States. A detailed list of how many gas stations are in each state and city can be downloaded from Outscraper. You can download reports and lists for the desired city and state.
In the United States, only 28 states have 76 gas station branches. All details of these branches including addresses, phone numbers and zip codes can be found on Outscraper.
You can use Outscraper services to determine how many gas stations there are in which state and to create a dataset for this. Outscraper detects gas stations in any state or city and provides you with a list.