
What is Quora's “List Match Audience” Feature?

Quora’s “list match audience” feature enables you to create a custom audience to target your campaign or to help attribute conversions by using your data, such as email addresses and phone numbers.

For more details:

Quora and Quora Ads

Quora is a pool of questions that can be called the common wisdom of people all over the world. People from various parts of the world seek answers here by asking their questions. The answers provided serve as a guide for all visitors with the same question mark.

Of course, these questions and answers given on Quora, where there is such a high volume, can be a great traffic source for businesses.

As Quora is aware of this, they launched the Quora Ads service in April 2016. You can check out the Quora Ads service here.

Quora has a custom audience/match audience feature just like Facebook en LinkedIn.

If your targeted B2B target clients reach you or your competitors through Quora answers, you want to increase this traffic. It would be a good idea to use Quora Ads to increase your reach to these target clients. Delivering the ads to the targeted audience will both reduce your advertising costs and increase their effectiveness. It is necessary to use the “List Match Audience” feature for this.

You can use Outscraper for Quora just as you use it for the Facebook and LinkedIn custom audience/match audience feature. 

Creating Audience on Quora

The main identifier for Quora Ads is email addresses. That is why they declare that when creating a List Match Audience, it is sufficient to upload a CSV file with the emails written one after the other.


So let’s create a List Match Audience by going through an example again. We will use Digital Marketing Agencies result file scraped with Outscraper as in our previous blog post.

Download the Digital Marketing Agency B2B Lead List Sample: Digital Marketing Agencies

(Scraped with Google Maps-krabber and enriched with Emails & Contact Scraper)

Quora Ads Dashboard

First, visit the Quora Audience page and click the “Create Audience” button.


The “Create an audience” menu will appear on screen. Select the “List Match” option and click next.

List Match

Type your “Audience name” and “Description” in the boxes.

Audience Creating

Preparing CSV File

Download the Digital Marketing Agency B2B Lead List Sample: Digital Marketing Agencies

Sample List

All email addresses in the email_1, email_2, and email_3 columns should be copied. Then, create a new excel file. Paste all the emails one after the other in the first column. Save the file as a CSV file by saying save as. A sample CSV file is to be uploaded: Quora_Emails_Digital_Marketing.

Uploading the Prepared List

Upload the List

Choose your csv file to upload to Quora and click the “Create” button. Quora will show you a notification message.

File Upload Summary

That’s it. All email addresses have been uploaded, and the data has started to be processed by Quora.

Audiences Created

You can create Lookalike Quora Audiences or advertise directly to email owners with this List Match Audience on Quora.

Create Targeted Audiences for Your Quora Ads Now

You can visit our Diensten page for detailed information about how Outscraper services work. Now you can quickly register by clicking the “Sign Up Now” button and try Outscraper services for free right away.


Meest voorkomende vragen en antwoorden

The target audience is used for accurate targeting in Quora advertisement. If you want to show ads on Quora to local businesses on a certain topic, it makes sense to create a “List Match Audience” with the mailing list of these businesses. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper helps you find the e-mail addresses of these local businesses.

1. Collect emails with Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper
2. Upload the email list to Quora
3. Create a target audience on Quora
4. Target similar audiences

Generally, anyone who wants a quick and reasonable answer to a question uses Quora. That’s why Quora is a popular website. It’s a good idea to build an audience on Quora to place an ad. To target local businesses, Outscraper helps you build a good audience list.

Categorieën: Schrapen


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