
What Does Google Maps Data Contain?

Google Maps contains dozens of information about registered businesses and places. The main ones are name, full address, website, phone number, reviews, and photos. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper allows you to scrape all this information. A detailed list of what information Google Maps contains can be found in the “データ辞書

Google Maps Place Profile Data

This information, which Google Maps has, attracts the attention of many people. These people want to extract these data for different purposes. But it is very difficult to collect this information one by one. Therefore, it is essential to use an online service or software to extract it.

Outscraper Google Mapsデータスクレイパー extracts all desired Google Maps data like phone numbers, and full addresses with its user-friendly interface. It’s free to try and Outscraper also offers フリークレジット every month for extracting Google Maps data.

How to Extract Google Maps Data?

Outscraper can extract data from Google Maps in two different ways. The first method is to scan all places in the region with category and location and extract data from them.

Extract Google Maps Data With Category and Location

The second method is to create a scraping task directly using the Google Maps URL of the target place or business. Outscraper allows you to scrape data using Queries (category + city/zip + country), Links, Google IDs or Places IDs.

If you just want to extract the data of “California Musem”, it is enough to copy and paste the Google Maps link of the museum to the dashboard.

Extract Google Maps Data With URL

Thanks to Outscraper, it is possible to extract Google Maps Data in several different ways. You can use whichever method is convenient for you. In both methods, all phone numbers will be extracted.

Scraping Phone Numbers From Google Maps

Phone numbers are automatically extracted in all tasks created with the Google Mapsデータスクレイパーサービス on the Outscraper App Dashboard. No extra setting is required. When a category and location are selected, all phone numbers of places in that category are listed.

Result File: Google Maps Data Scraping With Category and Location

When a task is created to extract data with a specific URL, only the phone number and other data belonging to that business/place are extracted. As in the example task, it will extract only the phone number of the museum.

Result File: Google Maps Data Scraping With URL

Extracting phone numbers from Google Maps is very easy with Outscraper. It takes a few minutes to complete the process which would take hours. 

Enriching Extracted Phone Numbers

While Outscraper can easily extract phone numbers, it can also provide more information about numbers with the built-in additional “フォーンエンリッチャ” enrichment service.

"Phones Enricher" Service for Google Maps Data Scraper

Data columns such as “phone.carrier_name” and “phone.carrier_type” will be added to the task result file if the enrichment service is added on the setting page.

Result File: Google Maps Data Scraping With Category and Location and "Phone Enricher"

Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service has features suitable for various different usage scenarios. To explore these features, we recommend reading all the articles and tutorials on Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper.

Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper Tutorials and Use Cases

Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper has many features such as enrichment services, duplicate elimination, and filtering. “Phones Enricher” is just one of them.

記事を読むことができます "Googleマップをスクレイピングするには?” to understand the basic parameters of creating tasks. Also, using filters will keep you away from irrelevant data. “Google Mapsデータスクレイパーフィルタ” article explains in detail how you can use filters. Probe some successful examples of what you can do using Outscraper services from the “ユースケース" のページをご覧ください。

Let’s create an account in Outscraper now and start to extract phone numbers from Google Maps with free tier credits.


Outscraperでは、「Free Tier」で毎月の無料利用枠を定めています。を確認することができます。 価格設定 のページで、価格と無料ティアの制限をご確認ください。 

Sign up and try the Outscraper’s Google Mapsデータスクレイパーのノーコード化 service for free now and extract phone numbers from Google Maps.



You can use a Google Maps scraping service to extract all phone numbers from Google Maps. Some numbers can be landlines and some numbers can be mobile phone numbers. Outscraper Google Mapsデータスクレイパー lets you extract and parse phone numbers.

Yes, you can. Outscraper Google Mapsデータスクレイパー can extract a lot of data from Google Maps. Phone numbers, names, full addresses, working hours, and more can be scraped easily. 

Phone number scraping is the job of collecting phone numbers of businesses in the target category and location. Google Maps hosts phone numbers for businesses and Outscraper can scrape them. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper collects phone numbers by scanning all businesses in the target category one by one.


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