Table des matières
Google Maps Scraping in Pure GO
It is necessary to have a good understanding of coding, browser emulation, proxies, and reCAPTCHA solver in order to scrape Google Maps. Furthermore, you must ensure that you are prepared to deal with any modifications that Google may make to the dynamic information on its website.
You must first utilize browser emulation to simulate the behavior of a valid user. One option is to use Sélénium or another browser emulator.
You will need to use Proxies to protect the IP address associated with your office or home. That way, you can request webpages from the IP addresses of other individuals.
Regardless of the collection of tools, if you have some good usage, Google might show you reCAPTCHA and connect it to some of your IPs. This could happen even if you have a significant amount of traffic. You can add a Solutionneur de reCAPTCHA to your system if you do not wish to alter your IPs each time you encounter a reCAPTCHA.
Also, Google’s content may change. You can do it by running daily tests.
The scraper can be produced and maintained, but gradually. Learn how to scrape Google Maps using Python and Selenium with this tutorial: How to Scrape Google Maps with Python and Selenium.
Google Maps Scraping With Outscraper GO Package
Using the Outscraper GO library will simplify and improve the reliability of scraping Google Maps. It provides convenient access to the API d'Outscraper from applications written in the Go language, which allows you to use Les services de Outscraper de votre code.
Vous pouvez commencer par installer le paquet et en créant un compte sur Outscraper.
Make sure your project is using Go Modules (it will have a go.mod file in its root if it already is):
go mod init
Install the Outscraper SDK by running the following command.
go get -u
Initialisez le client Outscraper en important la classe et en ajoutant votre clé API secrète. Vous pouvez générer la clé API sur la page de profil.
package main
import (
client := outscraper.Client{ApiKey: "SECRET_API_KEY"}
Exemples d'utilisation
Voici des exemples de la façon dont vous pouvez extraire des lieux de Google Maps en utilisant des requêtes de recherche :
// Search for businesses in specific locations:
results, _ := client.GoogleMapsSearchV2(map[string]string {
"query": "restaurants brooklyn usa",
"limit": "20",
"language": "en",
"region": "us",
Il est également possible d'extraire les données en utilisant Place Id :
// Get data of the specific place by id
results, _ := client.GoogleMapsSearchV2(map[string]string {
"query": "ChIJrc9T9fpYwokRdvjYRHT8nI4",
"language": "en",
Essayez Outscraper SDK maintenant
The Outscraper SDK provides you with a convenient way to easily do Google Maps scraping with Go. You can try it right now with a Free Tier.
Questions et réponses les plus fréquentes
Vous pouvez récupérer les résultats de Google Map en utilisant Outscraper SDK. Spécifiez les requêtes de recherche, la langue et d'autres paramètres, puis envoyez votre demande.
go mod init
go get -u
package main
import (
client := outscraper.Client{ApiKey: "SECRET_API_KEY"}
// Search for businesses in specific locations:
results, _ := client.GoogleMapsSearchV2(map[string]string {
"query": "restaurants brooklyn usa",
"limit": "20",
"language": "en",
"region": "us",
L'exploration de Google Maps nécessite une bonne connaissance du codage, de l'émulation de navigateur, des proxies et de l'utilisation de l'Internet. Solveur de reCAPTCHA. En outre, vous devez également être prêt à faire face aux modifications que Google pourrait apporter à son contenu dynamique.
Google Maps interdit le scraping. Cependant, le grattage et l'extraction de données publiques sont protégés par le premier amendement de la Constitution des États-Unis.
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