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What Data Can Be Extracted From Google Maps?

Many researchers, analysts, and marketers are interested in the data found on Google Maps. They can use this data for many different purposes. Google Maps contains dozens of different types of data. However, data such as an address, phone number, website, and a number of reviews generally attract the interest of those looking to extract it.

Google Maps Place Info
Data of Place on Google Maps

Generally, 3-4 basic data are collected from Google Maps manually. Despite that, 45 different data can be extracted with Outscraper Google Maps scraping service. It can be seen which data was extracted from the data dictionary.

Extracting data manually from Google Maps is both very slow and cumbersome. It’s not worth that much trouble. Because there are quick ways to extract data from Google Maps.

Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service allows you to extract data in the fastest way with all-in-one solutions.

The Fastest Way: Outscraper Google Maps Extracting Services

Outscraper scrapes all public data found in Google Maps with its cutting-edge technologies. Whatever you see on the Google Maps page in the browser, the Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service automatically collects it all.

There are two ways to use the Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service. One of them is to create a task from the No-Code service dashboard, and the other is to pull data through the Outscraper Google Places API. Either way, Outscraper provides very fast results. 

No-Code Google Maps Scraper

Thanks to Outscraper’s simple and convenient interface, you can use all Outscraper services without the need for any coding skills. It is enough to set the parameters with a few clicks.

No Code Google Maps Scraper
Outscraper App Dashboard - Google Maps Scraper

It is very fast to create Google Maps scraping tasks in Outscraper. Select the category and location. If limits and advanced filtering are needed, these can also be set. It’s done. Task is ready to start and scrape data.

Google Maps - Los Angeles Restaurants Scraped Google Maps Data

Whatever you see in the browser in a Google Maps search, the same businesses will be listed in the result file. All the details of the businesses, i.e., phone number, full address, website, opening hours, and many more details, are found in the result file.

Outscraper even takes data extraction to the next level. Business email addresses are not publicly listed on Google Maps. But businesses usually have them on their websites. Outscraper, with its data enrichment services, allows you to extract emails from businesses on Google Maps in a single task.

Whether it is Google Maps data scraping or extracting emails of businesses, all these tasks can be created with Outscraper App Dashboard without the need for any programming knowledge.

If you need to use API integration for a project, service, or software, Outscraper Google Maps Places API can be preferred.

Outscraper Google Maps Places API

Outscraper’s Google Places API returns places from Google Maps based on a given search query or many queries. The results from searches are the same as what you would see by visiting a regular Google Maps site. You can read the documentation for detailed information on “how to use” the Outscraper API: API-Docs

Outscraper offers SDKs (Software Development Kit) to facilitate the use of the Google Maps Places API. These SDKs for Java, Go, Ruby, PHP, Node.JS, and Python can be found and installed.

Please check out the Outscraper GitHub page to learn more about SDKs and find more code examples.

Test Outscraper Now

Outscraper is one of the best and fastest services that offers Google Maps scraping. It appeals to all users thanks to its No-Code App Dashboard. No technical knowledge is required. It is fast, quick, and simple.

Outscraper gives free monthly credits to all users. You can now test Outscraper for free and start using it immediately.

Video Tutorial

Câu hỏi thường gặp

Các câu hỏi và câu trả lời thường gặp nhất

With Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper you can extract data from Google Maps in a fast, quick, and simple way. 

Specify only category and location. Set parameters. And start the project. Result file will be ready.

Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service entitles you to free credits every month. With these free credits, you can do data extraction every month.

Việc thu thập và trích xuất dữ liệu công khai được bảo vệ bởi Tu chính án đầu tiên của Hiến pháp Hoa Kỳ.

In fact, big search engine companies are getting a big part of their data by scraping thousands of public websites.

It is possible with the Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service. Outscraper allows you to download all Google Maps search query results in .csv or .xlsx file format.

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