
Google Maps Scraping in Pure Node.js

A good level of knowledge of computer programming, browser emulation, proxies, and reCAPTCHA solver is important for extracting Google Maps. Likewise, you must be prepared to deal with any changes Google may make to its adaptive content.

In order to effectively employ browser emulation, you will first need to simulate the actions of the actual user. Using Selênio or other browser emulators may be a viable option.

Then, you will need to make use of procuradores in the second place if you want to protect the IP address of your workplace or your private residence. Because of this, you will be able to request websites from the IP addresses of other users.

You do not want your IPs switched whenever a reCAPTCHA occurs; therefore, you can add a solucionador reCAPTCHA to your system, as Google may still display a reCAPTCHA and connect it to some of your IPs despite that collection of tools. This could happen even if you have a good amount of traffic.

Plus, there are times when Google may actually change the information it provides. Simple daily testing will get the job done.

Putting a scraper into effect can be an extensive process, but it can be done and developed eventually. For further information on scraping Google Maps using Python and Selenium, have a look at this detailed guide: How to Scrape Google Maps with Python and Selenium.

Google Maps Scraping With Outscraper Node.js Package

Using the Outscraper Node.js library will enhance the quality of scraping Google Maps. It provides convenient access to the API do Outscraper from applications written in the Node.js language, which allows you to use Serviços do Outscraper de seu código.

Você pode começar instalando o pacote e criação de uma conta em Outscraper.


Install the Outscraper SDK by running the following command:

					npm install outscraper --save
# Or
yarn add outscraper


Inicialize o cliente Outscraper, importando a classe e adicionando sua chave secreta API. Você pode gerar a chave API em a página do perfil.

					const Outscraper = require('outscraper');
// Or using ES modules:
import Outscraper from 'outscraper';

let client = new Outscraper('SECRET_API_KEY');

Exemplos de uso

Aqui estão exemplos de como você pode raspar lugares do Google Maps usando as consultas de busca:

					// Search for businesses in specific locations:
client.googleMapsSearchV2(['restaurants brooklyn usa'], limit=20, language='en', region='us').then(response => {

// Scrap Places by Two Queries
  ['restaurants brooklyn usa', 'bars brooklyn usa'],
  limit=50, // limit of palces per each query
).then(response => {
  response.forEach(queryPlaces => {
    queryPlaces.forEach(place => {
      console.log('query: ', place.query);
      console.log('name: ', place.name);
      console.log('phone: ', place.phone);
      console.log('site: ', place.site);

Também é possível extrair os dados usando o Place Id:

					// Get data of the specific place by id
client.googleMapsSearchV2(['ChIJrc9T9fpYwokRdvjYRHT8nI4'], language='en').then(response => {

// Scrap Places by Place Ids
  ["ChIJ8ccnM7dbwokRy-pTMsdgvS4", "ChIJN5X_gWdZwokRck9rk2guJ1M", "ChIJxWLy8DlawokR1jvfXUPSTUE"],
  limit=1, // limit of palces per each query
).then(response => {
  response.forEach(queryPlaces => {
    queryPlaces.forEach(place => {
      console.log('name: ', place.name);
      console.log('place_id: ', place.place_id);

Experimente agora o Outscraper SDK

The Outscraper SDK has made it simple and provides an efficient way available for you to easily do Google Maps scraping with Node.js. Simply sign up to give our Free Tier a try.

Perguntas frequentes

Perguntas e respostas mais frequentes

Você pode raspar os resultados do Google Map usando o Outscraper SDK. Especifique as consultas de busca, idioma e outros parâmetros e envie sua solicitação.
npm install outscraper --save
# Or
yarn add outscraper
const Outscraper = require('outscraper');
// Or using ES modules:
import Outscraper from 'outscraper';

let client = new Outscraper('SECRET_API_KEY');
// Search for businesses in specific locations:
client.googleMapsSearchV2(['restaurants brooklyn usa'], limit=20, language='en', region='us').then(response => {

// Scrap Places by Two Queries
  ['restaurants brooklyn usa', 'bars brooklyn usa'],
  limit=50, // limit of palces per each query
).then(response => {
  response.forEach(queryPlaces => {
    queryPlaces.forEach(place => {
      console.log('query: ', place.query);
      console.log('name: ', place.name);
      console.log('phone: ', place.phone);
      console.log('site: ', place.site);

Raspar o Google Maps requer bons conhecimentos de codificação, emulação de navegador, proxies, e reCAPTCHA solver. Além disso, você também deve estar pronto para lidar com as mudanças que o Google possa fazer em seu conteúdo dinâmico.

Google Maps não permite a raspagem. Embora, a raspagem e a extração de dados públicos seja protegida pela Primeira Emenda da Constituição dos Estados Unidos.

Categorias: API


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