Spis treści

Gdzie mogę znaleźć bazę danych lub listę amerykańskich restauracji?

There is yet to be an official channel presenting the database of restaurants in the US. But there is a strong interest in a list or dataset of all restaurants in the United States. Marketers, suppliers, business analysts, and many other businesses want to access the list of restaurants. Everyone is looking for a way to get to this list.


Google Maps to najłatwiejszy i najdokładniejszy sposób na zobaczenie aktualnie czynnych restauracji w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Każda nowo otwarta restauracja tworzy profil na Mapach Google ze względu na względy handlowe.


For this reason, the most straightforward answer to the question “Where Can I Find a US Restaurant Database or List?” is mapy Google.

Baza danych restauracji w USA na Mapach Google

Google Maps to największa na świecie baza danych o firmach. Bez problemu można znaleźć firmy ze Stanów Zjednoczonych i wszystkich innych krajów. Dotyczy to również restauracji.

Restauracje w Nowym Jorku - Google Maps

Zestawienie restauracji za pomocą Google Maps ma kilka zalet. Możliwe jest zawężenie wyszukiwania do małych obszarów i skanowanie tylko według określonej dzielnicy lub kodu pocztowego.

Istnieją ponad 5.000 kategorii które Google Maps wykorzystuje do klasyfikowania firm. W ramach tych kategorii istnieją dziesiątki podkategorii związanych z restauracjami na Mapach Google. Dzięki temu łatwiej jest dotrzeć do pożądanych restauracji.

Restauracje meksykańskie w Nowym Jorku 10010

It is very simple to find “Mexican Restaurants” in the 10010 zip code region of New York, as in this example. Or find all the restaurants in New York with the same ease.

Google Maps is very advantageous in many ways. Categorizing, zoning, and obtaining information such as restaurants’ addresses, phone numbers, working hours, and websites. It is perfect for creating a restaurant database.

But there is a pain point. It takes a long time to collect information on all restaurants one by one from Google Maps.

A solution is needed to ease this challenge and automate this work. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service can extract data from desired regions and categories in Google Maps.

Wyciąganie bazy danych Google Maps

Outscraper Tablica rozdzielcza aplikacji has a very useful and simple interface. It is effortless to extract restaurant data from the Google Maps database using it. Select the location, choose a category, and start the task. That’s it.

Eksportowanie bazy danych restauracji w Nowym Jorku

Selecting a single city and district or an entire state is possible. Outscraper can handle them all. It scans the selected region and saves all restaurants in a CSV/XLSX/JSON/Parquet file. Results can be downloaded as a compact list. Google Maps Data Scraper extracts more than 45 data from one location. The main ones are the full address, phone number, website, and opening hours.

Outscraper Plik wynikowy: Baza danych restauracji nowojorskich

What is seen when searching on Google Maps, Outscraper transfers all these restaurants directly to the result file. All results are automatically downloaded. In crowded areas, finding all restaurants with a single search query is impossible.

Google Maps shows a certain number of results per query. The maximum number is 500. Google’s limit makes it somewhat difficult to find all restaurants in densely populated areas because there will be restaurants that need to be shown or listed due to the result limit.

There is a way to circumvent this limit. It is using zip codes. Outscraper allows scraping Google Maps with zip codes in detail. Creating a search query with zip codes for a crowded area provides an opportunity to go over the limit and list all restaurants.

If the restaurants you are looking for are in a densely populated area such as Brooklyn, New York, please review the article on how to search by zip code.

Extracting Restaurants Emails and Contacts

In addition to the basic location data, creating a dataset with email, contact information, and social media accounts may be desired. If it is desired, Outscraper offers an innovative solution in this regard.

Skrobaczka e-maili i kontaktów enrichment service, email addresses and contact details like owners, managers, and social media accounts can be found and added to the result file. Emails & Contacts Scraper service works with Google Maps Data Scraper on the same task. It can be added while creating the scraping task. No extra effort is required.

Outscraper allows you to create a dataset of restaurants from the desired city, state, and region with enriched data. It is simple and fast to use. Anyone who wants to find all restaurants and create a database can use Google Maps scraping and Outscraper. It is free to try.

Znajdź wszystkie restauracje w Stanach Zjednoczonych z Outscraper teraz

Outscraper is waiting for you to extract the restaurant database. It’s free to sign up for Outscraper and test the services. You can find and extract restaurants in the United States and any country with Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper. Create a free account and start using it now.


Najczęściej zadawane pytania i odpowiedzi

  1. Visit Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service on the dashboard.
  2. Create a task with category and location or Google Maps URL
  3. Rozpocząć zadanie
  4. Download the result file with all latitude and longitude data.

Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service lets you do it. You can extract all coordinates from a specific category and location or a list of places.

Outscraper can give you a result file as in .CSV or .XSLX format.

Yes, you can do it with Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper. You can extract any data from Google Maps with setting few parameters on Outscraper App Dashboard.

You need to use an extractor or scraping service. Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service lets you to export all Google Maps data to CSV file easily.

Kategorie: Skrobanie


Marketer, Content Writer, Customer Experience Developer Facebook | Linkedin | Świergot

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