Wie generiert man B2B-Leads?

Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist B2B-Lead-Generierung? Unter B2B-Leadgenerierung versteht man die Generierung von Leads und Traffic, die in Verkäufe umgewandelt werden können. Leads werden aus einer Vielzahl von Quellen generiert, z. B. aus Seminaren, Konferenzen, Webinaren, Messen, Networking-Veranstaltungen und durch Weiterempfehlungen. Einige der Mehr lesen…

Die besten Google Maps Crawler im Jahr 2022

Table of Contents 5 Best Google Maps Crawlers in 2022 Phantombuster Outscraper Leads-Extractor ScrapeHero AhmadSoftware 1. Phantombuster Phantombuster has many different phantoms (tools) as well as a Google Maps Search Export phantom. Product Page: https://phantombuster.com/automations/google-maps/23412/google-maps-search-export  Pros: Useful for small queries. Easy to scrape one query. Your credits can be used Mehr lesen…

Was ist Google Maps Scraper?

Table of Contents What is Google Maps Scraper? Google Maps Scraper is a tool for extracting data from Google Maps using services like Outscraper App Dashboard or API. You could scrape these data with Outscraper Google Maps Scraping Services Google Maps Data Scraper (Company Names, Websites, Phone Numbers) Google Maps Mehr lesen…

Exportieren von Google-Bewertungen

Wie exportiert man Google-Bewertungen?

Table of Contents How to Export Google Reviews? There are various situations in which Google reviews prove to be valuable. Marketers utilize reviews to identify potential clients for their businesses. Data scientists gather reviews from Google Maps to input them into AI and machine learning models. Developers also use these Mehr lesen…