Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı



Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı is one of the most popular scraping services offered by Outscraper. It allows you to extract public data from Google Maps without any limitations easily and in this tutorial we will be discussing how to get started with Google Maps Scraping using Outscraper.

Here at Outscraper, we always take care of our customers and make some minor updates to the design to make it a more user-friendly and easy-to-use platform. To get the most out of Google Maps Data Scraper, the parameters and filters need to be set accurately.

The platform also offers new enrichment services to take data scraping to the next level. We encourage our users to read this “Getting Started” guide about all these settings before creating a task. Aside from our most popular scraping service, Google Maps Data Scraper, we also offer some new scraping services and new enrichments to improve your scraping activities and be productive with your business.

Google Maps Scraping

Temel Parametreler

One of the most critical settings to scrape the correct targeted businesses/places in the Outscraper platform is the basic parameters. Using accurate parameters reduces irrelevant and duplicate records in the result file. We have made some minor changes in the design of the Google Maps Scraper.

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

Outscraper’s Dashboard

In the previous version of Google Maps Scraper, the description reads “Allows scraping places data from Google Maps. It contains links to the Pricing, Product Page, and Tutorials. In the previous version, you can Categories or plain queries. You can also search for a specific location, country, and custom location using ZIP codes.

Meanwhile, in the newest version of Google Maps Scraper, the description reads “Extract places data from Google Maps. It still contains the links to the Pricing, Product Page, and Tutorials but added a new link for API Docs. We also added some new icons for the tutorial links and added an option wherein you can choose to choose Google Maps Scraper as one of your favorite features of Outscraper by clicking the Yellow Star icon.

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

Temel Parametreler

Temel parametrelerdeki kategorilere ek olarak konum, sınırlar ve yineleme seçenekleri net bir şekilde ayarlanmalıdır.


Kategori Seçme: Google Maps has more than 5,000 categories. These categories are available as a ready-made list on the dashboard.

You can select any categories from the list directory or use the Exact Match option that will ignore other categories that Google might add. The Custom categories are no longer available as another option in the Categories section. The Exact match option will ignore other categories Google might add.

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı


Exact Match Option means that if you want to search for Thai Restaurants in any region. If there are not many “Thai restaurants” in the searched area, “Japanese restaurants,” and “Vietnamese restaurants” will also appear in the results. If you do not use the “Exact match” option, all these categories will be found in the scraping result file. If you prefer the “Exact match” option, Outscraper eliminates the others and only adds “Thai restaurant” to the list. It will work only for the EN language and when using a ready-made categories list.

Another additional change is the addition of Brands to the Categories option. Categories will be combined into Google search queries by multiplying with the locations. You can also use “Plain Queries” to create the queries on your own as you would do it on Google Maps site. The list of categories can be found in the dropdown option.

Google Maps Scraping

Using Plain Queries

Sometimes Google adds other categories to your searches, please use Filters from Advanced Parameters to get only the exact categories. When using the Plain Queries option you can search for keywords, place IDs, URLs, etc. When using the Plain Queries option, you need to input your search query on Google and copy the URL of the results to the blank space provided by Outscraper.


Google Maps Scraping

Selecting Locations: Just like Google Maps having all countries, cities, and regions can be selected in the Outscraper app while creating a task. There is a ready-made list to make the selection easier. If the location is not on the list, you can use the “Custom Locations” option.

Custom Locations: In this option, you can define locations as “zip code + city + country.” It is also possible to use “near Los Angeles, CA, USA”.

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

Using Zip Codes: Posta kodları derin tarama ve kazıma için kullanılmalıdır. Bir örnek vermek gerekirse, Brooklyn, New York'ta yüzlerce restoran bulunmaktadır. Ne yazık ki bu restoranların hepsi tek bir arama sorgusuyla Google Haritalar arama sonuçlarında listelenmiyor.

Google Maps shows a maximum of 500 restaurants in the results of one search. Since Outscraper also scrapes the search results provided by Google Maps, not all these restaurants will be found in the result file with one query.

Bu senaryo için posta kodları kullanılır. Bölgeyi ayrıntılı olarak aramanıza ve kazımanıza olanak tanır. Posta kodları ve şehirlerin bir kombinasyonu ile birden fazla arama sorgusu oluşturur. Örneğin:

“restaurant, 11201, NY, US”
“restaurant, 11202, NY, US”
“restaurant, 11203, NY, US”

Hiçbir yeri atlamadan bir alandaki her yeri kazımak için bu seçeneği kullanın.

Please read on for more: How to Scrape Densely Populated Areas and Categories From Google Maps?

*Always use the “Delete duplicates” option when you use this option.

Sınırlar ve Seçenekler

Total Results Limt: This option determines the total number of results in the task result file. Even if the potential volume of the task is large, as soon as you set the limit to 100, the scraping process stops when it reaches 100 places. If the limit is set to 0, scraping continues until the end of the task. With 0, there will be no limit in the result file.

Delete Duplicates: Google Haritalar aynı yerleri/işletmeleri aynı arama sonuçlarında farklı sayfalarda gösterebilir. Bu da sonuç dosyasında mükerrer kayıtlara neden olabilir. Çünkü Outscraper, Google Haritalar'da gördüğünüz verileri çıkarır.

İkinci durumda, Google Haritalar farklı ancak ilgili kategorilere sahip farklı arama sorgularında aynı sonuçları gösterebilir. "Barlar, New York" için yapılan bir arama ile "Restoranlar, New York" için yapılan bir arama aynı sonuçları gösterebilir. Bir görevde iki veya daha fazla kategori seçilirse, ilgili kategorilerde yinelenen sonuçların ortaya çıkma olasılığı yüksektir.

Bu durumdan kaçınmak için "Drop duplicates" seçeneği seçilmelidir. "Yinelemeleri bırak" seçilmezse, yinelenen sonuçlar sonuç dosyasında listelenecek ve faturalandırılacaktır.

Ignore Without Emails: This option only applies when the “Emails & Contacts Scraper” service is added. It removes the places without at least one email from the result file. Only places/businesses with emails are listed. This is perfect for those who want to extract emails from Google Maps for email marketing.

* You won’t be billed for ignored records (without having emails).

Zenginleştirme Hizmetleri

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

Outscraper’s Enrichment Services

We have added some changes in our Enrichment Services which will be best used for cold emails, cold emails, and other enrichment tools. These enrichment services work with Google Maps Data Scraper. These services can be selected from the drop-down list. Each enrichment service has different capabilities and pricing structures.

The enrichment tools that are best for cold emails are Company Insights, Emails & Contacts Scraper, and Contacts Finder. For cold emails, you can select Whitepages Phones Scraper, Phone Numbers Enricher, and WhatApp Checker. The Other Enrichment Services include Trustpilot Scraper and US Companies Data Enricher.

When enrichment services are added to the scraping task, all the data extracted by the enrichment services will be in the same results file.

Company Insights: With this enrichment, you can find company details such as revenue, size, founding year, public status, etc.

Emails & Contacts Scraper: This enrichment service allows you to extract emails and contacts through Google Maps. Google Maps Data Scraper first scrapes the general data of places/businesses. This data also includes website information. Emails & Contacts Scraper service uses this website information and extracts email addresses, contact details, and social media accounts from these websites.

Adding this enrichment service to the task activates the “Validate emails,” “Ignore without emails” and “Delete email duplicates” options. The “Validate emails,” will validate the emails while the “Ignore without emails” option ensures that only businesses with an email address are put in the results file. The “Delete email duplicate” option is used to remove businesses from the result file with the same email address.

Businesses with multiple branches have the same website and the same email address. Businesses with multiple branches have the same website, so the same email addresses extracted from branches can be the same. With this option, only 1 record remains and the other duplicates are dropped. Thus, a clean result file is obtained in this way.

For more information about extracting emails and contacts: Google Haritalar'dan E-postalar Nasıl Çıkarılır?

Learn how the “Emails & Contacts Scraper” service can find contacts and emails from different sources: Google Rehber'in Kişilerini ve E-postalarını Bulma

Video Tutorial: How to Scrape Emails, Phones, Contacts, and Social Media Links From Any Websites?

Contacts Finder: With Contacts Finder, you can find company contacts such as emails, phone numbers, full name, title, etc.

Whitepages Phones Scraper: This enrichment will return insights about phone number owners such as name, address, etc.

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

Phone Number Enricher: It will return phone carrier data such as name and type. It also validates phones, ensuring message deliverability.

WhatsApp Checker: Checks whether a phone is connected to the service.

Trustpilot Scraper: Extract the data from a list of services.

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

US Companies Data Enricher: This enrichment service allows you to collect more information about companies in the United States, such as the number of employees, sales volume, NAIC code, etc.

*The location must be in the United States for this service to work.

Please read on for more information: Google Maps Scraper için Zenginleştirme Hizmetleri

Added Enrichment Options:

In the Enrichment section of the Google Maps Scraper, we added some amazing features as you can select an option to “Extract emails & socials,” “company insights,” “phone owners,” validate emails,” “ignore without emails,” and “delete emails duplicates.” When checked, additional enrichment options will be available.

When you select Extract emails & socials, the other enrichment options will appear such as email address verifier, disposable email checker, Whitepages phone scraper, phone numbers enricher, WhatsApp checker, Trustpilot scraper, Linkedin companies scraper, Linked profiles scraper, and US Companies data enricher.

You can also select Company Insights in the choices of enrichment, with company insights selected, you will have the option to enhance the results by adding additional enrichments such as emails & contacts scraper, contacts finder, Whitepages phone scraper, Phone number enricher, WhatsApp checker, Whitepages Addresses scraper, Fastbackground addresses scraper, Trustpilot scraper, Geocoding, LinkedIn Companies Scraper, LinkedIn Posts Scraper, and US Companies Data Enricher.

When you select Phone Owners or Whitepages Phones Scraper, you can add additional enrichments such as Company Insights, Emails & Contacts Scraper, Phone Numbers Enricher, WhatsApp Checker, Whitepages Addresses Scraper, Fastbackgroundcheck Addresses Scraper, Trustpilot Scraper, Geocoding, and US Companies Data Enricher.

Gelişmiş Parametreler

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

One of Outscraper’s most valuable capabilities is advanced filtering. Phone, website, subtype, and business status filters are some of them. It is simple to eliminate unwanted data with many different filtering possibilities.

Filters. The main purpose of using filters is to ignore irrelevant results. Each filter decides whether to list the places/businesses in the result file or ignore them. Filters can be used for many use cases. Finding businesses that don’t have websites, finding businesses that aren’t verified, finding businesses with bad ratings.

Please read on for more information: Google Maps Data Scraper Filters.

Video Tutorial: How to Use Google Maps Data Scraper Filters And How It Will Tune Your Scraping Into Another Level?

Dil: Google Maps may show different results depending on the language used. For this reason, Outscraper allows you to simulate it. You can create tasks by selecting different languages.

Places Per One Query Search: The parameter specifies the limit of organizations to take from one query search. When you are using the query to find a specific place (e.g. “Central Park, NY, USA”) you probably want to use “1” to get the first place (just in case Google will find something else). However, when you are searching for “Restaurants, NY, USA” you might want to extract all the places from your search and use “50”.

Skip: This parameter specifies the number of items to skip. Commonly used in pagination.

Other Parameters

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

It is possible to download Google Maps Data Scraper result files in various file formats. You can set this in “Other parameters” before submitting the task. The Other Parameters also featured Preferred contacts for Emails & Contacts Scraper. Preferred contacts such

Result Extension: Outscraper allows you to download the task result file in CSV/XLSX/JSON/Parquet formats. However, the desired file format must be selected before starting the task. Changing the format after it is finished is not possible.

Task Tags: The “Tasks” page can contain a lot of finished and ongoing tasks. Finding a certain task that you are looking for among them can be difficult. To make this easier, you can tag your task.

Columns to Return: The result file contains all data columns by default. If you want only some of them, you can select them individually from the list here.

Starting the Task and Result

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

After all parameters, filters, and enrichment services are checked again, the scraping task can be started by pressing the “Get Data” button, and a pop-up will appear before submitting the task.

If the query is correct, the process can be started by pressing the “Confirm” button.

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

The status of the process can be tracked on the Tasks page. When the task is finished, the result file can be downloaded from there.

Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service extracts all publicly available data from Google Maps. A result file contains more than 45 different data. Review count and rating are also included.

Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı

However, if you want to scrape the review texts in Google Maps, you should do so with the Google Haritalar Yorumları Kazıyıcı service. Google Maps Data Scraper only specifies the review count but does not list the review texts. But our other service makes this possible. For more information: Google Haritalar Yorumları Nasıl Kazınır?

You can also check out the video tutorials to learn more about the Outscraper Google Maps Data Scraper service.

For more videos about Outscraper, please visit our Outscraper YouTube Kanalı.



Google Harita kazıma, toplama veya ayıklama, Google Haritalar sitesindeki yerler (işletmeler, mekanlar vb) hakkındaki tüm bilgileri (ad, adres, koordinatlar, site, telefon, çalışma saatleri vb.) toplama işlemidir. Verilerin manuel olarak toplanıp kaydedilmesi işlemini otomatikleştirir.

  1. Servis sayfasını açın: Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı.
  2. Verilerini toplamak istediğiniz kategorileri seçin.
  3. Açılır menüden konumları seçin.
  4. Dili seçin ve diğer gelişmiş parametreleri kontrol edin.
  5. "Görevi Başlat" düğmesine tıklayın.

Google Haritalar'dan alınan veriler birçok alanda kullanılabilir. En yaygın durum, işletmeniz için yeni müşteriler aramak veya verileri AI ve Makine öğrenimi için kullanmaktır. Google Haritalar verileri, kendi uygulamanızı oluşturmak için bir kaynak da olabilir.

Evet, Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı ile birlikte E-postalar ve Kişiler Kazıyıcı'yı kullanarak Google'dan verileri zenginleştirebilirsiniz. Bunun için, Google Haritalar Veri Kazıyıcı servis sayfasında "Sonuçları diğer hizmetlerle zenginleştirin" bölümünde "E-postalar ve İletişim Bilgileri Çekici" seçeneğini seçin.

Evet. Gelişmiş parametrelerdeki filtreleri aşağıdaki operatörle kullanabilirsiniz.

No. All scraping activities occur on Outscraper servers, ensuring that your IP address is not utilized for data scraping. You can close your computer an the scraping task will still be running.

Kamuya açık verilerin toplanması ve listelenmesi hakkı, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Anayasası'nın Birinci Kısmı tarafından korunmaktadır.

Kategoriler: Kazıma


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