
Что такое Google Play Review Scraper?

В Скребок отзывов Google Play is an Outscraper service that helps developers to get reviews for all apps, games, and books in Play Store without any coding. The Google Play Review Scraper has an easy-to-use interface and it does not need any coding.

Отзывы are important to make sure that your app or game is successful on the market. Unfortunately, it is a very difficult task to examine and list these reviews one by one. The good news is that Outscraper Review Scraper helps you bypass these issues by doing the job for them automatically.

Как соскрести отзывы Google Play без кодирования?

Скребок отзывов Google Play

Google Play reviews are a complete source of intelligence. Evaluating the comments for an app or game and acting on this feedback will completely change your path to success.

Хотя вы можете видеть отзывы, написанные для вашего собственного приложения на Google Игровая консоль, it is not possible to see the comments made for other applications in the marketplace. To do this, you need to carefully go over each comment. Of course, time constraints make this impossible.

Our good news for you is that you can easily overcome this obstacle with Outscraper Google Play Review Scraper. Our service lists all the comments on the app or game you want and brings them to you. You just need only 3 steps to get it all.

1. Скопируйте ссылку на ваше приложение/игру в Приборная панель приложения Outscraper.

2. Define your parameters.

3. Download your results.

Copy App/Game Link to Outscraper

Посетите Google Play Store and find the app whose reviews you want to scrape.

Google Play Store

Copy the link from your browser and paste it into the Outscraper App Dashboard.

Outscraper Скребок отзывов Google Play

Define the Parameters

Установите Sorting, Limit per one query, and Language параметры и подтвердите выполнение задания.

Все параметры

Confirm the task to run. Sit back and enjoy your time with a hot cup of coffee while Outscraper services work for you.

Подтверждение задания

Скачать результаты

Загрузите свои результаты на Задачи страница.

Выполнение задачи

The results will be downloaded to your computer in .xlsx format. You can easily edit your list. Many different details can be found in the results. The list includes the following details:

Author Title, Author ID, Author Image, Review Text, Review Rating, Review Likes, Version, Review Timestamp, Review Datetime, Utc, Owner Answer, Owner Answer Timestamp, Owner Answer Timestamp Datetime Utc

Sample Result File of Google Play Reviews Scraper

Скачать Результаты демонстрации и проверьте, как работает Outscraper Google Play Reviews Scraper ⬇️.

Отзывы TikTok

TikTok Обзоры Демо результаты


Ready to Use Now

Don’t waste your time doing these data scraping tasks, delegate the tasks to Outscraper while you enjoy your time. You can start using the Google Play Review Scraper service now by visiting.

Часто Задаваемые Вопросы

Наиболее частые вопросы и ответы

Вы можете соскрести все отзывы с любого приложения/книги/игры в Google Play с помощью Outscraper Google Play Review Scraper.

Outscraper позволяет сосканировать отзывы на всех языках, доступных для выбора в Google Play. Просто задайте необходимые параметры в Outscraper App Dashboard и создайте задачу.

Вы можете соскрести все отзывы с любого приложения/книги/фильма с помощью Outscraper Google Play Review Scraper.


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