Google Maps Scraping in Pure Java
Google Maps scraping demands a solid understanding of code, browser emulation, proxies, and reCAPTCHA solvers. Google has dynamic content. Therefore, you should be able to adapt to any changes that it may make.
Primarily, you will need to mimic the behavior of a real user via browser emulation. Utilizing Selênio or other browser emulators could be a practical approach. Second, you must use procuradores if you wish to protect your office/home IP address, enabling you to request websites from the IPs of other users.
Google can perhaps display you with reCAPTCHA and bind it to some of your IPs, despite all that set of tools, when you have fair usage. For that reason, you can add a solucionador reCAPTCHA if you do not wish to alter your IP address each time you encounter a reCAPTCHA.
Moreover, you should always be ready for the possibility that Google will alter the content of its website. You can accomplish this by conducting testing daily.
Despite the fact that implementation of the scraper could take a while, it is still possible to construct and maintain it. For additional information, take a look at this comprehensive guide that explains how to scrape Google Maps by utilizing Python and Selenium: Como extrair dados do Google Maps com Python e Selenium.
Google Maps Scraping With Outscraper Java Package
Using the Outscraper Java library will make scraping Google Maps much easier and more dependable. It provides convenient access to the API do Outscraper from applications written in the Java language, which allows you to use Serviços do Outscraper de seu código.
Você pode começar instalando o pacote e criação de uma conta em Outscraper.
Install the Outscraper SDK by using Maven, or Gradle.
Edit your build.gradle file:
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.outscraper:outscraper-java:v1.0.4'
Add the JitPack repository to your build file:
Add the dependency:
Inicialize o cliente Outscraper, importando a classe e adicionando sua chave secreta API. Você pode gerar a chave API em a página do perfil.
OutscraperClient client = new OutscraperClient("SECRET_API_KEY");
Exemplos de uso
Aqui estão exemplos de como você pode raspar lugares do Google Maps usando as consultas de busca:
// Search for businesses in specific locations:
JSONArray results = client.googleMapsSearchV2(new HashMap() {{
put("query", "restaurants brooklyn usa");
put("limit", 20);
put("language", "en");
put("region", "us");
Também é possível extrair os dados usando o Place Id:
// Get data of the specific place by id
JSONArray results = client.googleMapsSearchV2(new HashMap() {{
put("query", "ChIJrc9T9fpYwokRdvjYRHT8nI4");
put("language", "en");
Experimente agora o Outscraper SDK
You may now scrape Google Maps with Java without any hassle thanks to the Outscraper SDK. You are welcome to test out the service with our Free Tier at no cost.
Perguntas frequentes
Perguntas e respostas mais frequentes
Você pode raspar os resultados do Google Map usando o Outscraper SDK. Especifique as consultas de busca, idioma e outros parâmetros e envie sua solicitação.
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.outscraper</groupId> <artifactId>outscraper-java</artifactId> <version>v1.0.4</version> </dependency>
OutscraperClient client = new OutscraperClient("SECRET_API_KEY");
// Search for businesses in specific locations: JSONArray results = client.googleMapsSearchV2(new HashMap<String, Object>() {{ put("query", "restaurants brooklyn usa"); put("limit", 20); put("language", "en"); put("region", "us"); }}); System.out.println(results);
Raspar o Google Maps requer bons conhecimentos de codificação, emulação de navegador, proxies, e reCAPTCHA solver. Além disso, você também deve estar pronto para lidar com as mudanças que o Google possa fazer em seu conteúdo dinâmico.
Google Maps não permite a raspagem. Embora, a raspagem e a extração de dados públicos seja protegida pela Primeira Emenda da Constituição dos Estados Unidos.
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