The Ultimate Source of POIs (Points of Interest)

Looking for a POI Dataset? Outscraper offers a few ways to integrate and stay synced with the world's leading POI sources.

Option 1: Data Scraping Tools

Outscraper offers professional tools to access the world’s #1 source of points of interest. Whether you’re a business professional seeking a user-friendly interface or a developer in need of seamless integration, we have the perfect solution to keep your POI database up-to-date.

Affordable and Fresh Data Every Time

Whichever path you choose, rest assured you’re opting for a cost-effective solution. Outscraper empowers you to have complete control over required data, ensuring its freshness and real-time accuracy.

Option 2: POI Data Licensing

Regular delivery of the fresh POIs categories and locations, enriched using internal methods on a contract basis.

Data Licensing

Licensing is tailored to your preference, with a perpetual option available. Outscraper grants the right to use the data that has been processed, enriched, and improved using the proprietary algorithms.

Pricing Comparison

Betalen als je gaat with monthly metered usage prices starting from:

UI Scraper

$1/1,000 POIs
  • UI tool to select categories and locations
  • Enriching services (emails, socials, etc.)
  • CSV/Excel/Parquet/JSON export
  • Deduplication inside one task
  • Geavanceerde filters

API Scraper

$1/ 1,000 POIs
  • SDKs: Python, Ruby, PHP, Node, Go, Java
  • Enriching services (emails, socials, etc.)
  • More than 250 parallel API tasks
  • Technical support
  • Web hooks

Data Licensing

$3/ 1,000 POIs
  • Periodic POI delivery on a contract basis
  • Enriching services (emails, socials, etc.)
  • CSV/Excel/Parquet/JSON formats
  • Filtering and cleaning
  • Perpetual rights

Wat zeggen klanten?

Mihai Vinatoru
Mihai VinatoruManaging Partner
Meer lezen
Outscraper levert snelle en betrouwbare gegevens over Google Maps locaties, in een eenvoudige en intuïtieve interface. Het platform heeft geavanceerde functies, maar is toch gebruiksvriendelijk genoeg. In de afgelopen 12 maanden hebben we Outscraper gebruikt om relevante publieke data te verzamelen over 120.000+ locaties.
Juan G.
Juan G.Partner bij Growth97
Meer lezen
Als een Digital Marketing Consultancy, is Outscraper echt een gamechanger geweest voor zowel ons bedrijf als onze klanten. Het heeft ons in staat gesteld om nieuwe potentiële klanten te bereiken en adembenemende ROI-campagnes te leveren voor onze klanten. Iedereen die overweegt Outscraper te gebruiken zou ik ten zeerste aanbevelen.
Travis Howell
Travis HowellOnderzoeker
Meer lezen
Outscraper is veel gemakkelijker te gebruiken dan andere alternatieven, en het heeft me voorzien van geweldige informatie. Hun klantenservice was ook behulpzaam toen ik die nodig had.
Alex Crivion
Alex CrivionEnvapreneur
Meer lezen
Outscraper is de beste API-service die ik ooit door puur geluk heb moeten ontdekken (in een artikel van - was sinds 2019 op zoek naar zoiets en dit platform is de enige die daadwerkelijk werkt en het werk doet.
SilviaS1-BRANDING Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
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Hartelijk dank voor uw antwoord en hulp! Als u het niet erg vindt, kunt u mijn dank overbrengen aan het ontwikkelteam. Ik hoop dat jullie allemaal floreren!
Meer lezen
Hartelijk dank voor het verstrekken van een briljant platform "Outscraper" voor het vinden van een enorme hoeveelheid gegevens in een paar minuten, ook bedankt voor het stimuleren van mijn verkoop 😊
Nate Lile
Nate LileOndernemer
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Ik heb Outscraper nu een paar weken getest en gebruikt. Ik ben ongelooflijk blij met hun huidige aanbod en ik kijk ernaar uit dat ze meer publieke bronnen toevoegen. Het is stom makkelijk te gebruiken en zo betaalbaar. Bedankt jongens!
Russell Hesse
Russell HesseCMO
Meer lezen
What an awesome tool for getting marketing lead prospects. It's much faster than the estimates they give when doing a scrape. (It's always good to under-promise & over-deliver to your customers)...
Ashish Kumar
Ashish KumarData-analist en front-end ontwerper
Meer lezen
Deze dienst is uiterst nuttig voor mij geweest. Afgezien van hun super snelle API voor verschillende diensten, hun geweldige ondersteuning is iets dat zou je terug te gaan naar hen. Dana van Outscraper team had me onvermoeibaar geholpen voor 3 dagen toen ik in een probleem kwam en het dev team maakte zelfs een spot update in hun SDK pakket om mijn eisen aan te passen. Een echte aanrader!
Dion Kenney
Dion KenneyCOO van Mondofora
Meer lezen
Ik wou dat ik het eerder had gevonden. Ik heb de afgelopen 15 maanden handmatig gegevens van Google Maps verzameld! De eerste zoekopdracht leverde meer bruikbare gegevens op in 20 minuten dan mijn 15 maanden in totaal.
 Ian Mason
Ian MasonCTO
Meer lezen
Outscraper is the best scraper I've found. I cannot believe how well it works, how much data I get back, with no errors or headaches. I can make any directory site I want now

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Onze klanten

Vertrouwd door duizenden tevreden klanten wereldwijd.


Meest voorkomende vragen en antwoorden

POI data refers to “Points of Interest” data. In the context of mapping, navigation, and location-based services, a Point of Interest (POI) is a specific location that someone may find useful or interesting. Examples of POIs include:

  • Restaurants
  • Gas stations
  • Museums
  • Tourist attractions
  • Hospitals
  • Shopping malls
  • Hotels

POI data typically contains information about these locations, such as their names, addresses, types or categories, phone numbers, website URLs, and geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude). This data is valuable for various applications, including GPS navigation systems, travel websites, local search services, and many other location-based services or applications.

Outscraper provides you with two methods to obtain POI. You can either utilize scraping tools to extract POI from public platforms such as Google Maps or acquire POI data licenses directly from Outscraper.

Pricing for POI data starts from $1 for fresh 1,000 POIs.

The most popular way of getting POIs is to extract them from public sources like Google-kaarten.

Alternatively, you can receive regular delivery of the fresh POIs on a contract basis from different data providers.

Here’s an example of POI data for a fictional restaurant:

Name: "Mama's Italian Bistro"
Type: Restaurant
Category: Italian Cuisine
Address: 123 Pasta Lane, Foodville, FV 12345
Phone Number: (123) 456-7890
Latitude: 40.123456
Longitude: -75.123456
Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-10pm, Sat-Sun 12pm-11pm
Amenities: Free Wi-Fi, Wheelchair Accessible, Outdoor Seating
Rating: 4.5/5
Reviews: 250
Description: "A family-owned restaurant serving authentic Italian dishes since 1985. Known for its signature lasagna and warm, cozy atmosphere."

You can also refer to this demo file of POI scraped from public sources.

A POI (Point of Interest) database is a collection of data points that represent specific locations or destinations that might be of interest to users, especially in the context of navigation and location-based services. These points can include a variety of places such as:

  • Restaurants
  • Gas stations
  • Hotels
  • Tourist attractions
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Shopping malls
  • Parks
  • Airports
  • Train stations
  • And many more

Each POI typically contains information like:

  • Name of the location
  • Address
  • Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude)
  • Type or category (e.g., “restaurant” or “museum”)
  • Additional details such as phone numbers, operating hours, ratings, or reviews

POI databases are commonly used in GPS devices, mapping software, and mobile apps to help users find and navigate to specific locations. They can be sourced from various providers, and some databases are more comprehensive or specialized than others. For instance, a hiking app might have a POI database focused on trails, campsites, and natural landmarks, while a city travel guide app might prioritize restaurants, museums, and historical sites.

accurate and detailed location-based information, essential for businesses and applications in need of reliable geographic data. This global POI database covers a vast array of locations, offering real-time data updates to ensure your information is always current.

Stay ahead with enhanced POI data management, detailed mapping, and comprehensive POI data integration. Outscraper’s high-quality POI database ensures you have the geographic data you need for accurate spatial analysis and effective location-based services. Trust this reliable POI extraction tool and data solution to drive your business forward with superior location intelligence.

Experience the benefits of the customizable POI data, designed for diverse applications and industries. From real estate and urban planning to marketing and logistics, Outscraper POI database access provides the detailed and accurate location data you need to succeed. Embrace the future of geographic information with state-of-the-art POI data services.